How/where to exploit a certain opponent
Posted by mplecki23
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Mid Stakes
How/where to exploit a certain opponent
I'm having trouble with a specific villain. He plays 50/40 pf and 4bs a ton oop. As the raiser, he's constantly betting in HU pots, but gives up a bit more cbetting multiway. For HU pots, he doesn't like to fold vs raises and does like to bet turns and rivers way too much.
My question is where do I start exploiting this opponent? I would think start raising unpolarized for thinner value, but that ends up thinning out my calling range on later streets. I've been playing pretty wide vs him pf ip, but don't really know if I should even loosen up my range, as I'll have no blinds to defend from BTN/CO.
Thoughts on what I should be doing with specific parts of my range?
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this is 6max right? first thing id suggest is to just play good cards vs him (flat the nutty dont flop well so often kind) and 3b the smoother stuff IP that doesnt wanna play mw pots and isolate his weak range. playing weak holdings is tough and often -EV vs very aggro opps that can hand read ok to well, and when you flat you invite multiway action which you dont want with weak holdings even IP.
its very hard to give specific advice to such a large and general question. if he is sort of fishy, or has obv leaks which it sounds like i wouldnt worry too much about weakening my range on later streets just bc you choose to raise wider for value on the flop if you think thats the most +EV.
so dont play junky nonutty stuff otb if it gets you into trouble, and dont worry about defending your blinds just bc you dont want to be unexploitable if you think a certain defend pre is -EV.
obv theres a lot of standard stuff you can do to trap over aggro players. start slow playing more otf and then raising turn or raising river dep on the board run out. even if he doesnt fold much vs raises otf maybe he just folds turn a lot vs a bet after you raise? in that case call flop raise turn instead etc...
post a couple of HHs that illustrate the problem and ill try to give more specific advice
In one of PG's videos he talks about two different categories of leaks
1- Leaks that you should actively exploit (ex: someone over-calling on the river)
2- Leaks that exploit themselves
I think for the most part the leaks that the type of opponent you are talking about will have are #2. Playing your solid/standard strategy will exploit your opponent without you adjusting. You just need to keep in mind that his ranges are going to be wider/weaker and act accordingly. By doing this you are going to get into a lot spots where your range is simply stronger than his.
I'll be 3betting him in or out of position with most rundown-type of hands and then im pot-getting it in on any board that I do not completely-miss. Thats a somewhat general idea- but my point is that against somone like this (who you're describing as an aggro-fish), I give them exactly what they want, a chance to gamble. I make sure my range is always slightly stronger than theirs and then I apply max pressure and give them a taste of their own medicine. You have to be willing to get it in light versus this guy.
Thanks for the input guys. In short, tightening up IP on villain and 3b a lot has worked well. I got a bit carried away with trying to exploit super wide opens and semi forgot when I'm not in the blinds I don't really have to do anything to exploit him. Playing a snug range + blinds defense will punish him
I think good fundamentals and a tight preflop range will do all the work for you pretty much. Sounds like this guys just waiting to hand you his dolladolla
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