how to realize equity with marginal hand OOP

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how to realize equity with marginal hand OOP

BN: $2642.61
SB: $5067.77
BB: $857 (Hero)
UTG: $985
HJ: $3297
CO: $1000
HJ is a reg and opening wider than standard because btn is really fishy playing 98/67
Preflop ($15.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 6 2 K
UTG folds, HJ raises to $30, CO calls $30, BN calls $30, SB folds, Hero calls $20
I think closing action is the only play here.
Flop ($125.00) 2 5 Q (4 Players)
Hero checks, HJ bets $80, CO folds, BN calls $80, Hero folds
how would you play this flop with 5x pot, relative position, and without the lead. Seems like we have 4 options and its very possible I picked the worst one. I think with deeper stacks I would be really happy with C/R or C/C but I feel uncomfortable/handcuffed at this depth,
Turn ($285.00) 2 5 Q 4 (2 Players)
HJ checks, BN bets $150, HJ calls $150
River ($585.00) 2 5 Q 4 3 (2 Players)
HJ checks, BN checks
Final Pot
HJ has K 3 T Q BN has Q 4 2 5 BN wins $582

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