How to play worse AAxx OOP

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How to play worse AAxx OOP

I was just wondering what the general line you should take when you have a junky kind of AAxx hand (for example AAT4r ) when out of position in various scenarios?

Say we are 100bb deep and in the SB facing a raise and 1 or 2 callers or limpers and callers assuming they are passive fishy type players what would be the line? would it be to 3 bet?
Or say we are UTG 100bb deep would we open raise all the time or even fold some of them? Then what would be the plan on the flop if we got called and didn't hit an ace against various opponent types?
Are there any scenarios where you would fold these types of hands preflop?
How would your stack size dictate how you play these hands also?

Advice would be greatly received, thanks!


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bdon22 8 years, 1 month ago

General rule of thumb is that if you can't get > 1/3 of your stack in pre-flop to generate an SPR 1 situation post-flop then it's better to call with trashy AAxx. There is a good article on donkr that shows the math for this.

bdon22 8 years, 1 month ago

You're right, there are some boards that are just bad for us. I believe Tom Coldwell had a video discussing this very concept but I can't remember the name of it.

miami002 8 years, 1 month ago

Start by just calling from SB against multiple limpers, even if you raise nobody folds anyway and you just end up in a awkward spot most of the time. Any AA combo is always a raise from the UTG and there`s nothing much more to say about it. You can fold those combos when you are playing deep (lets say 200-300 or more BBs) and there is pre-flop war against two other opponents. One guy obviously has AA aswell but probably double suited and with high cards and if third opponent is decent player he probably has some kind of a rundown so he is big favourite against both of you. So thats the situation where I recommend to ditch your bad AA combos. Thats it!

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