How to play microstakes CAP PLO?
Posted by SnowmanMOT
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Low Stakes
How to play microstakes CAP PLO?
Hi :)
I have been playing some CAP PLO games over at Full Tilt, these are the only sorts of games that have been running at my stakes, I usually play 100bbs at Stars.
Obviously the stacks are shallower and so I'm trying to push preflop equities hard and stack off lighter than in 100bbs games but is there any other tips for playing these games? They seem super profitable if I can implement the right strategy.
Thanks for any advice
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Generally these games are about getting other people to fold. Equities run close enough that making aggressive mistakes is rather difficult and fold equity is worth a HUGE amount.
I've actually got a video - Intro to 40bb PLO - which covers my broad thoughts on this topic, you might find that has some stuff which gets you thinking.
Ok thanks Tom, I'll go check it out :)
@Tom: Is your strategy explained in "Intro to 40BB PLO" exactly made for the shallow tables on
FullTilt or can it also be applied (without any adjustments) playing a 40BB stack on the standard Stars 100BB PLO tables?
Or in other words: Where do you think is this strategy more profitable? On Stars playing standard PLO tables with a 40BB stack or on FullTilt playing shallow tables?
I can't really say where it'd be most profitable because that depends on villain quality, but it should work fine in both. There are some small adjustments you may have to make in a game with many stack-sizes (think about how those interact and you'll be moving in the right direction), but the basic idea of maintaining a high level of aggression and forcing folds holds true.
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