How to adjust playing HU vs psycho (not Stewart Pearce)

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How to adjust playing HU vs psycho (not Stewart Pearce)

Hi everybody. I was playing yesterday HU 05 1 with effective stacks $200.

1) I won early $100 with AA hand where money went in OTF 4h4d5d, and I was playing vs 5667 where he also had bdfd only. That was nice.

2) Very next hand I got 3-bet to $9 and I was dealt AdATd5 and I 4-bet to $27.

FLOP($54): 7d79d

I had NFD and 2 pairs and blocker T for his J8,86 and blocker 5 for his 86 (not irrelevant), he shoved, I called and he had 7 and won the hand with trips. He had something like QJ75 single suited.

3) I was dealt AAK8 with single suited Ace, I got 3-bet, I 4-bet, and he ( !!!???) 5-bet preflop to $81, I jamed AI to $145.

FLOP($290): 44J r

He had KJTT single suited in diamonds and I though at one moment: excellent! (he had 4 outs)

Turn: J

River: brick

How to play vs these kinds of players?What is the best strategy? I am really surprised by the moves and play in general of such players,is there formula to beat them so they get what they deserve?


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