Holdem Manager HUD for PLO
Posted by OMGNotAgain
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Low Stakes
Holdem Manager HUD for PLO
If someone has an optimal Holdem Manager HUD for PLO and want to share his configuration here it will be nice.
[x] just starting out at Omaha
Thanks in advance!
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Abb. Name/Hands (I dont think its wise to put your entire trust in a players stat until they have around 250 hands recorded, but then, you may not need to wait that long)
Agg Factor/Flop CBet/ Fold to Flop CBet
Bet Turn/Bet River/ W$D
SB VPIP/ BB VPIP/ 3bet/ Fold vs 3bet/ 4bet
Flop Cbet/fold vs flop Cbet/Turn Cbet/Fold vs turn Cbet/River Cbet/Fold vs River Cbet
Flop check raise/Fold vs flop check raise/Donkbet/Fold vs Donkbet/Leead turn lead after donking
Bet vs missed Cbet in position/Bet vs Missed cbet oop/Bet vs missed turn Cbet in position
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