Heuristics for developing balanced range
Posted by straight river
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straight river
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Low Stakes
Heuristics for developing balanced range
Hi, what sort of mental tools or theory or anything like it is helpful for developing your ranges in a situation?
If im in a situation, e.g on a river where i want to valuebet a percentage or number of valuehands and then balance this with a percentage or number of bluffs, then how do i sort of count this stuff up? I am aware of what the ratios should be, i just dont know how to count up how many hands to include in the ranges, combocounting doesnt work out in plo right.
E.g on the river ip as pfr the board could be QJ7 4 2 with two tone on the flop and no suit river. Then if i had 2 barreled flop and turn, then i can count QQ, JJ, 77, the other sets being unlikely. Then QJ, i guess Q7 is too weak right. Then i balance this with e.g AKT wrap and AKxx nut missed flushdraw?, (but AKT is a 3 card hand and i assume more rare than e.g QQxx or is the cardremoval of the Q on the board enough to make the holecards QQ count as much as AKT?
You see my point here.
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Pokerjuice does this, with alot of other functions.
Hi, yes but i cant use pokerjuice while playing so im sort of looking for heuristics or mental tools that can help me.
Oh, I missunderstood. Well, I guess the best way to do it is to just put a lot of time off table. Then you'll have a good understanding of how many % of your range is X. It will be easier for you if you categorize you range in to different sections, and this way you should be able to play your range pretty balanced in spots were your range is more narrow, for example 3b pots in some positions and UTG/MP opens.
Hey - what is a video stores or article I could watch to get an understanding of the concepts you're discussing here. For example, figuring out what % of my range is x, what is meant by range balancing, and how to start thinking about this properly?
I think picking up Jandas NL book just to learn the concepts. Then create analogies to PLO.
And some of Sean Leforts videos, specifically the one called Book keeping i believe.
Try My Ballz by Pretentious Fuck
balancing ranges is very important at high stakes, at lower stakes do you think people are playing balanced vs yourself? If they themselves are imbalanced then you have a greated expectation from playing exploitatively.
There are of course times you can choose to x/back strong hands in order to induce turns and or lead in spots you can be balanced with 2pair as well as a gutter and BDFD.
I am really interested in balancing play but I would have no clue where to start. Just wanted to suggest that potentially the best method for low stakes is to exploit players tendencies e.g. NIT 3-bets and c-bets 100% in 3-bet pots but continues turn 0%, you can float this player with air and steal the pot, exploiting his tendencies. Being balanced would mean having some equity vs his range but exploiting you could have any 4 cards.
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