help: is this a turn call? do we have enough odds?
Posted by berdy
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Mid Stakes
help: is this a turn call? do we have enough odds?
Hero is UTG+1$3 6
1 fold, Hero raises to $7, CO raises to $24, 1 fold, SB calls $23, 1 fold, Hero calls $17
$74 3 way
SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks
$74 3 way
SB bets $71.25, Hero calls $71.25, CO folds
$216.50 2
SB goes all-in $162.10, Hero folds
OTT, i think villian range is QQ/ and majority is rundowns 5678 with fd/mid run downs with fd/and Qhigh run downs with straight draw at least...
we have to worry abt the guy behind pushing us as well when we call..
With nfd and gutter is this a call?
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Getting 2:1 with around 9 outs (two of our flush cards pair the board and our gutty is third nut, so we have to discount these cards somewhat) it seems like a clear turn fold. We are also not closing the action. We may have some hidden outs in the form of an ace or a king but still I think this is a quite clear fold.
agree with plolearnerguy.
note: stack sizes are a very important consideration worth posting for better hand discussion
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