Heads Up PLO - few questions

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Heads Up PLO - few questions


Im new HU plo player, im playing Plo50 HU at pokerstars. And i have few problems:

1.How I should adjust to aggro donks??? You know that type who IP open 90%+, OOP 3bet 30-50%, and postflop almost never fold and when bet always use pot size button.
A) Limp something or not? If yes how limping range should look like?

B) How wide i should 4bet vs 20%/30%/40%/ 3betting range

C) What other adjustments I should do (preflop and postflop) ?

2. How should proper heads up session review looks like?? Any suggestions?

Earlier when I played 6max I just watched biggest pots/marked hands after session and thats it. 

And any other tips how to become a better Heads up plo player???


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Cthulu23 10 years, 10 months ago

if you like variance 4bet any akj akq akt +nfdraw hands, ds high wraps etc. You could limp but.. it's kinda gross, I'd insta quit against a limper. Meet them in the middle and minraise :D

Andreas Nyberg 10 years, 10 months ago

Minraise against aggro 3B and use your positional advantage and float them alot and take the pots from them on later streets

Etris 10 years, 10 months ago
OK but what if they 3bet widee preflop, and almost always pot bet flop + turn + sometimes river. How wide should i open minraise preflop 90%+?? And how to play postflop in 3bet pot?? More fit-or-fold (if they always 2barrel+ ?

ZenFish 10 years, 10 months ago
2. How should proper heads up session review looks like?? Any suggestions?

Making/updating opponent profiles immediately after session is good habit. Here's a good tip: Use Evernote and keep one detailed note per opponent (observations, and a game plan to use against him). Have Evernote open on 2nd monitor (assuming you have one) while you play.

Once a familiar player sits down, you search him, and have his note up on the side in 2 seconds. Just to quickly remind yourself. I think that's much easier in-game than using lengthy HUD-notes. They can get messy.

Once you have an explicit description of how Villain plays, it's easier to judge how well you played when you review. You'll see if your line makes good sense.

Sean22 10 years, 10 months ago

this probably isn't what you were hoping for, but my best advice for you is to play alot, and always consider all the options available to you.  How can you use the maniacs tendencies against him?

Etris 10 years, 10 months ago

Ty for answer, im always trying to think "How i can exploit his tendencies"

But i have problems with maniacs.

Here is my tought process vs maniac who 3bet a looot preflop, and always bet pot, who barrel a lot.

"His 3bet is wide=weak, i have position i should minraise and flat a lot his 3bets.

"He always pot and almost always cbet and 2nd barrel = he bloating pot with weak hands"

And here is my problem i dont know how to adjust to this, how i should i exploit his postflop tendencies?

Darley_Arabian 10 years, 10 months ago

There are different grades of maniac so you have to be aware or at least try to understand what kind of a player you are dealing with. Sometimes a player is literally not thinking about anything, no consideration for board texture, frequencies etc (by the way many people, including recreational players, do think about these things, but we just have labels for them which allows us to have more complex discussions about them) these players are literally playing poker like it is roulette. My approach is to call down really light at the beginning of a HU match because often especially against these types of opponents the match can get really deep and you are going to wish you had some perfect information to go on when facing some tough decisions later on. Pay VERY close attention to bet sizes and make notes. The other maniac at HU is thinking more and takes pleasure in 'outwitting' or 'out-aggressing' (if that is a word) his opponents these are the ones you are going to have to throw in a check-raise or raise bluff in against. Try going down in stakes, way way down and start a 6 max table so you are heads up at first and play super loose aggressive so your opponent, and if the table fills up opponents, are reacting to you. Watch how much their play is based around you and how in many spots it becomes really easy to hand read. This is often what your opponents are doing to you. Now think what would make your life harder while you are playing that style? I think regardless of what you do, if you are going to battle these opponents, you have to accept and embrace the variance. Think about it objectively and try to ask yourself honestly whether you will be able to handle it mentally because if you don't feel you can, learn to walk away from those games. It doesn't mean you are a worse player, in fact I believe poker players' styles can be like Rock Paper Scissors i.e. you crush one style and then another one crushes you.

NocturnalX 10 years, 10 months ago

As for the question of how to adjust to the very aggressive players I recommend you watch Phil Galfond's review-series where he reviews Leo Nordin? (Not sure about the last-name, but I know his first-name is Leo). Anyways, Leo combats a very aggressive player at 5-10. Leo's opponent is a 100% VPIP player and Phil takes notes within the videos to make assumptions and adjustments based on the info he gets from the different hands played. Very nice series. Hope this helps. ;)

Etris 10 years, 10 months ago

Here is villian who gave me a lot of problems. 

I played with him about 300h, he is a fish, and i cant beat him or this is just variance??

He does not adapt, He plays only one strategy.

And my question is how i should adjust to this opponent? How to exploit him. 

I have my plan, but I would like to hear your plan and compare it with my

Etris 10 years, 10 months ago

I notice that, i have a lot of problems with ppl who play passive preflop/flop (float alot) and very aggro turn/river. I dont know how to adjust to wide villian betting range on turn/river when pot is big. i always felt overplayed by villians like him

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