Habitually shipping it with AAXX double suited at deep cash games rather than calling

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Habitually shipping it with AAXX double suited at deep cash games rather than calling

What i find it difficult to interpret sometimes is the fine line between calling a 4-6 bet preflop pot bet or just playing for all your chips given the stacks are deep with 150+ bb. I'm considering whether it's a flaw in plo as in holdem a premium pocket hand playing for all your chips preflop certainly isn't. Given the equity of hand matchups in plo i find it more porfitable to call these situations rather than to play for all your chips but the dilemma rises when your given the task of calling someones else allin as well with AAXX double suited. Is there any optimum way to profitably play these hands, even though you will probably get in another 40-60 situation and can rebuy as many times you like. Is it considered donkish to play for all of your chips?


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riverboatking 12 years, 3 months ago
are you asking if its donkish to get all-in with the best hand? i mean when you are faced with an all-in shove and have to either call or fold how can it ever be donkish to call with double suited aces?
mark bourdon 12 years, 3 months ago
I cant tell if this guy is serious or not. Is he really tring to ask what are some situations that make folding the best hand good? how can you overplay the best hand? Tam are you trying to ask if maybe you can play the hand in such a way that that you dont have to get it in 60/40 flipping pre and get take advantage of a bigger edge by playing flops???
Alienatu 12 years, 3 months ago
it's not considered donkish at all to play for all your chips with AAxx double suited. it actually is recommended.

if you just flat a 4-6 bet you re setting yourself up to make mistakes postflop (like folding on 567 when you're opponent has KKQJds or something and he cbet shoves).
if you shove preflop you give your opponent the opportunity to make mistakes (like calling with 30% eq when he doesn't have correct odds, etc)
Mikey Stotz 12 years, 3 months ago
Perhaps you're attempting to ask if it makes sense to see a flop w/ a pot size bet or bigger left? The answer is probably not. You could attempt to limit the variance by not building sizable pots preflop if you believe that you have a significant edge on later streets but even then you begin to speak in absolutes like "my opponent will always call w/ top pair only" or "my opponent will always fold when he doesn't have the nuts or a nut draw" which probably isn't accurate.

Phil has occasionally talked about passing up neutral EV or very slight +EV situations in certain circumstances but the situations you've described don't meet those parameters.
newt 12 years, 2 months ago
you are generally better off to just get in AAxxds anytime you can. unless you think your opponents are reallllly think and will make insane/absurd postflop mistakes??
cAp217 12 years, 2 months ago
Are you only asking about AAxx ds? There are bad AA hands that I dont want to just ship in but at 100bb I think I am always putting it in w AA hands. When you get 150bb+ deep it becomes a bit harder to just ship in AAxx.
cAp217 12 years, 2 months ago
And, you say 4-6 bets preflop. These hands can be narrowed down and establish a range. Then its just math vs ranges. What hands do you think your opponents will 6 bet preflop? You hold 2 A's...
DirtyD 12 years, 2 months ago
If I was going to flat AAxx ds when I had the opportunity to get in a lot of chips, it wouldn't be because I was interested in folding later. I have wondered if it might be good for our overall strategy to sometimes flat strong aces very deep to have them in our range on later streets.

Anyway, it certainly can't be wrong to ship it in. You have the nuts!
Sauce123 12 years, 2 months ago
Well, say we have 55% equity with AA vs range .55(201bb)= 110bb, which is 10bb more than we started with. If you were winning like 1/20th this amount when getting all in and were underrolled maybe you could fold.
pacmang 12 years, 2 months ago
this reminds me of a guy folding double suited AA face up in a live cash game facing a 100bb shove...I wonder what he was thinking...
pacmang 12 years, 2 months ago
I think his rationale was that he "didnt' want to gamble." But I mean 55% is a pretty big favorite considering most casino games have ~1-2% edge
dumitru gazetovici 12 years, 2 months ago
if you don't have the roll to go with the hand just fold and play a smaller game, Ben is right 100%/
i see a lot of AIPF with aces everyday and about 45% of the time they lose ,so fold if you have to call the all in and you don't want the small edge.

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