Folding to 3-bets preflop
Posted by GasPanic
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Low Stakes
Folding to 3-bets preflop
So I've been doing a bit of analysing my preflop game this morning, specifically 3-betting and getting 3-bet.
Right now I'm folding to 3-bets roughly 20% of the time which I don't think is enough as I'm still folding too much postflop for my liking.
I've picked 5 hands (could have been more but let's not go overboard) that I played yesterday where I faced a preflop reraise after raising initially. I've left out the postflop part of the hand histories to keep it strictly about the preflop decisions. I'm not 100% sure about either of these.
Hand #1:
Villian plays 91/45/25 over 11 hands so we're most likely dealing with a maniac here who could have a super wide range.
Hand #2:
Villian seems TAGgish over a small sample. No other reads.
Hand #3:
I've got very tight players behind me so I'm opening despite the dangler. The TAG/Nit on the button 3-bets me and I'm strongly leaning towards calling as his range is well defined. How big of a problem is the 2 dangler in general in these spots?
Hand #4:
Same player as in Hand #3. Note his shallow stack size.
Hand #5:
Tag 3-bets, 20/10 player coldcalls. We're getting great odds but again, how bad is the dangler here multiway?
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First hand; easy fold. Akqx or akjt or something like that I would call. Just wait for a better hand vs this maniac. What would you do post flop when hitting an ace...
2nd hand; fold. Usually I dont callt 3bets with an ace in my hand unless its a really good hand, see explanation hand 1.
3rd hand; mehh you can call, I prefer folding OOP though. IP I would call. If villain doesnt give you a hard time postflop its an argument for calling.
4th hand; Fold. Dont call 3bs with single pps unless it really connected and preferable DS like jjt9ds.
5th hand; Yeah call.
Thanks a lot for posting this!
This is something i was also planning on reviewing as well cuz i might have leaks in 3bet pots. After reading legendary's post i think i might have a huge leak cuz for me all 5 hands are CALLS! :-)
This is what i think:
1: ds which is connected, sb vs bb which means he 3 bets light, easy call
2: nut suit and IP so call
3: Since it is ds i would call otherwise fold
4: easy call with high pair ds and straight potential
5: not happy to play MW but since we are closing the action i would call.
I call all as well... Not 100% sure if there's some kind of nittiness level that would make the QQ hand a fold at this depth.
leaning towards folding in #5. dangler+we're facing tight range 3b. could be fold.
#2 depends on the villain. Nuts suit isn't enough to decide calling is mandatory. postlop tendencies would be relevant.
would agree on calling in others, though I wouldn't go mad calling 'connected' AT64ds even vs maniac OOP. his aggro tendencies and us being oop are reasons to think on folding. we would miss often enough and he would 80%+ cbet. add to this having dominated draws and no real connectedness - close spot for me
Hand 1:
Against this type of player it makes sense with an openlimping-range from SB. Your fold equity is close to zero, and you will have lots of hands that you want to play in a limped or single-raised pot, but not a 3-bet pot. You're forced to play make-a-hand poker, so it makes sense to play smaller preflop pots on average.
The hand you have here should perform fine as an openlimp, although I don't mind your raise. As long as you make it to the flop, I'm fine with it. Raise-folding is out of the question for me, and I would openlimp this against the borderline insane.
I would call #1,3,4 for the reasons Imfish4u stated.
#2 I would call, since we are in position with a nut suit and our side cards can flop a 17 card wrap.
#5 I would probably fold. The overcaller may have better rundowns than us or good Kings which take some outs away. Basically I think that at least one player dominates our hand in that spot. I am not sure if position can outweigh this in a low SPR scenario.
QJT4ss (Hand 5) is close imo. probably fold.
QQJ3ds is weird because of stack sizes, going the the flop we're going to have a SPR of 2.5. If it's not DS I probably just fold, but as it is i think it's a marginal call vs a tight player.
all other hands I'll be calling.
1, 3, 4 clear call
2 is close but I'd call; 5 is close and I don't mind folding
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