Flop turn play
Posted by mnl1337
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Low Stakes
Flop turn play
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $100.00
SB: $137.29
BB: $174.57
UTG: $18.32
MP: $149.04 (Hero)
CO: $261.04
SB: $137.29
BB: $174.57
UTG: $18.32
MP: $149.04 (Hero)
CO: $261.04
utg unkown
co: only 25 hands also unkown
co: only 25 hands also unkown
Hero is MP with
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i´d isolate smaller to get a chance to reraise if someone flats and utg goes all in
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-contibet standard i would say
-after get raised i think best is to call and ev turn or would u choose another line?
-after get raised i think best is to call and ev turn or would u choose another line?
with an spr around 0,75 i dont think i could fold here so i decide to ship it and maybe get some folds if he has only a nfd. He tanked a while and then called. what do u think about it?
Final Pot
lost and shows a pair of Kings.
MP wins and shows a straight, Nine to King.
CO lost and shows a pair of Kings.
MP wins $315.10
Rake is $2.80
MP wins and shows a straight, Nine to King.
CO lost and shows a pair of Kings.
MP wins $315.10
Rake is $2.80
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Pre I doubt you push much of an edge and playability doesn't help much versus such a short stack. Plus you have the bigstack behind you. I'd simply call it.
OTF I'd much prefer a check. You have a pairless wrap with a mediocre FD if money goes in vs. a reasonable bigstack you're not doing great. If you bet, do it in a way that allows it for the shorty to reopen it (with your whole range).
Now OTT you can't find a fold for the spr but your opponent can't find either. So I'd check it, hope for a free card and sigh call it off if he bets.
Happy Jammin´ on the flop.
The c-bet on flop is fine. Once we get raised, the only thing we can do is call.
On the turn with the 6. This card is terrible for our range. If we had a set or top two with higher pair re-draws we would most likely re-raise flop. If we check-call and shove this turn. The only hand we represent is 10-9-7-3 or something looking for a safe card like a 6.. A 6 is a safe card for everyone though, it doesn't hit HIS range either.
IF we have the SPR to call, we aren't really making anything else fold. Bare flush draws is about it but what bare flush would re-raise flop? Even nut flush is just a call. MAYBE bottom two but we have good equity against both those hands anyway. I think a check-call line is best given your flop action. If we get a free card, that's great. If we he shoves, then we have no choice to call.
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