Flop Question: JNandez87: 2 Table $2.5/$5 6-Max Zoom PLO Session (part 2) 34:49
Posted by nittyoldman
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Mid Stakes
Flop Question: JNandez87: 2 Table $2.5/$5 6-Max Zoom PLO Session (part 2) 34:49
utg open. hero call HIJ. BB call. flop checks to hero. JN checks. This looks like a good barrel off spot to me as we have great blockers to all of the hands that would turn nut straights, we probably have some ok equity vs most calling ranges. We are totally uncapped here and blocking top set we are very unlikely to get x/r, but if we do we are not sad about having to bet fold flop. All of our cards are very relevant to the board and look to be nut blockers on many runouts that do not include a spade, still yet we also do have a decent spade blocker. We need to come up with some bluffs to have them on turn Q, 9, 7, spade or else we will be value heavy on our 2 barrels if we only choose premium semi-bluffs otf. It looks pretty credible being 3 way for us to bet, and if bb is a good player and has leading in his game, then we could make the assumption that some of the strength can be taken out of his checking range here(minor point). Having position and a high SPR is always nice in general. Are we bluffing too much if we bet this hand otf with bad intentions?
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Against better made hands, we are way behind. Against draws, we arent that far ahead. Blocking top set OTF is a marginal advantage as ppl still can call with so many hands and we cannot continue bluffing on too many runouts, say the turn brings the flush, it doesnt really make much sense for us to keep reppin gtop set.
but flush turns are about the only turns that we have to shut down
I like your thoughtprocess and agree with what you sad nitty. Not sure what to do on spades though...
I agree too. Seems like a clear bet to me for all the arguments you stated. Maybe we're missing something.......
you re not so nitty, old man if you bet here ;)
thanks for the post and sharing your thought process
vs. UTG it seems fine, vs.BB I'm not that sure.
On flush card, we check back and delayed bet River. Thats how u play T hi flush. If He bets, we fold
Thanks for the thought process, though I think the king is less relevant (but not irrelevant) for blocking and more relrelevant as an improver. I'm betting here the majority of the time. Less so if I know my opponents are super sticky or if my play in the last few rounds/hours will likely cause my bets to get significantly less than average respect. But that may be more of a live poker mentality since I'm always one tabling, and run into a disproportionate amount of players with a fold button that seems like it's been hidden. :)
JN may have had notes on one or both players that dissuaded him from firing in this spot.
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