Flop is great, however it still sucks..
Posted by Maikel1983
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Mid Stakes
Flop is great, however it still sucks..
SB: 1511.66
BB: 525.63 (Hero)
BN: 785.74
BB: 525.63 (Hero)
BN: 785.74
(3 Players)
Hero was dealt
BN raises to 10, SB folds, Hero raises to 32, BN calls 22
BN raises to 10, SB folds, Hero raises to 32, BN calls 22
(2 Players)
Hero bets 40,
BN calls 40
(2 Players)
Villain = 31-23 3b 8,6 -> steals BTTN 40% folds to 3bet 26%.
The Flop
I flop wrap however, with the FD. I think it's standard spot to cbet however, it sucks if u get raised. And probably behind if we get it in on this flop vs a flush draw. However, check-call on this flop is basically turning my cards face-up. And i have to fold if i don't hit and fold to further aggression.
Since villain just calls on the flop, could have a similar hand as mine. Or an overpair without flushdraw QQxx, KKxx. 9xxx with overs.
The Turn
Brings another flushdraw, I am bit a lost in this spot.
Hero has like 453 left, with a total potsize of 150. SPR - 3, villain covers me.
Bet-folding sucks, check-folding sucks, check-potting depends on villains betsizing. I am not a big fan of this as well, since villain will bet a hand, which will call a shove. I am lost :)
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Your flop and turn play have a lot to do with how tough/agg the BTN is. I would lean towards bet-folding the turn. I don't have much of a bet-fold range here, but I feel we should be doing it occasionally, even on this board. Can't think of a better hand than this to do it with, since our nuttiest cards look mostly like bricks for our range.
Flop decision is debatable, opponent dependent, and could be talked about to death (I'd love to hear others chime in on this), but I will say this:
- "check-call on this flop is basically turning my cards face-up"
I wouldn't often read your hand as what it is if I were villain, and if a c/c does turn your hand face up as a low wrap on this board, your range is not built properly.
thoughtprocess, but I am here to learn :).
If I have to construct flop Hero's check-calling range it will most likely consists of weak AAxx/KKxx. I am generally prone to bet all my (weak) draws, however I should consider more to check-call some of my draws
or check-raise (mental note!). To have a more balanced check-calling range, in these spots.
Most villains are like to raise/get it in with pair + (nut) flush draw + 3overs on the flop.
Villain is likely to call a cbet with KKxx,QQxx, weak draws 876x or KQJ9 but
I have to agree it depends on how aggressive villain is.
Qd it will improve some of his weak draws, which villain might shove over my bet, depending on what villain might think of my double barreling range. Villain might fold as well some of his weak draws (A876), which will be great since these type of hands have like 35-40% equity vs my actual hand. Or even fold a weak hand like K976.
I'm guessing hands like AKJ9 are good additions, AAxx, KKxx, and four overcards w/ spades.
I think I bet too much here, but in my games ppl play super weak tight
Since you agree that your x/c range will contain some AA/KK type hands, x/c'ing with your wrap here works very well to balance that out, and doesn't at all turn your hand face-up.
I want to echo what Phil said, and I also agree you are asking the right sorts of questions about these spots.
I'll try to be helpful by noting two seemingly contradictory positions you hold (1) that x/c turns your hand kind of face up and (2) that your calling range contains mostly weak QQxx-AAxx hands.
Let's assume (1) is true and I'm villain. If (1) is true, I read your range as mostly med-weak draws, especially straightdraws. So, my plan to exploit you will be (a) to semibluff lots of flops as I don't fear getting raised, and (crucially) (b) to continue barreling turns which miss your flop x/c range, which will in this case be "blanks," cards J-A, as well as spades and 9x.
Now let's assume (2) is true and I'm villain. If (2) is true, I read your range as mostly med-weak overpairs, especially ones without straight draws or flush draws. So, my plan to exploit you will be (a) to semibluff lots of flops as I don't fear getting raised, and (crucially) (b) to continue barreling turns which miss your flop x/c range, which will in this case be "board changers," cards 3-8, especially spades, as well as some board pairs. I'll be especially likely not to bluff you on blanks J-A, where you'll improve to trips and c/r me frequently.
I hope it's apparent by now why (1) and (2) are contradictory. The exploitative strategy for villain given (1) is to bet cards which help (2), and the exploitative strategy for villain given (2) is to bet cards which help (1)! But of course if you x/c both (1) hands and (2) hands, then (if both ranges are equally frequent) you'll make it incorrect for villain to overbluff either sort of board. So, you're already sort of balanced.
Try to think of situations in terms like this and I think you'll find it easier to construct ranges which aren't easily exploitable for very much EV.
great post ben.thx
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