Flop decision 4 way 25PLO
Posted by SnowmanMOT
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Low Stakes
Flop decision 4 way 25PLO
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
SB: $28.17
BB: $23.03
UTG: $41.36
MP: $47.55
CO: $52.78 (Hero)
BN: $13.17
BB: $23.03
UTG: $41.36
MP: $47.55
CO: $52.78 (Hero)
BN: $13.17
Hero is CO with
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No reads on villains.
Thoughts on flop? I have a decent draw and sometimes the best hand here? Best to bet to protect or just hope to realize my equity and try to get a free card?
In the hand I was thinking I'd gii vs the BTN if everyone else folded, but wasn't sure what to do if the flop checked through or if someone called a bet by the BTN.
Thanks for any responses :)
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I don't think that is a decent draw 4ways here. Checking is fine. I don't think a bet accomplishes much. You don't get value and to get 3 others to fold often enough to make this a profitable bet is pretty optimistic. If you get called so many turncards will make your life miserable. A 8 or 3 don't make you a hand where you would want to get lots of money in. Hitting a queen high flush 4ways doesn't make me comfortable either. Keep the pot small and try to get to showdown.
Cbet makes the hand play easier...your FD sucks 4way but helps along with the non nut OESD vs sets and 2p.
Bet flop
Yeah agree with the first guy, playing this 4 ways makes things tough. If it's checked to me I'm betting and we'll see what happens. Having position is a big help.
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