Figuring out equity / odds / outs on the flop

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Figuring out equity / odds / outs on the flop

So I'm reading donkr guide on plo and came across this : 

 Hand : CO opens we are BU with Ts8d7c6s. CO is loose and we choose to light 3bet but get 4betted, so most of the times we can assume we are playing against aces ? we call.

The pot is $7.65 on the flop with $6.25 stacks remaining. When CO pushes the rest of his stack in on the flop, we're getting pot-odds (7.65 + 6.25) : 6.25 =2.22 : 1. So we need 1/(2.22 + 1) =0.31 =31% equity to have a profitable call.

From the graph above we see that we will have minimum 31% equity on more than 60% of all flops. So we will find enough equity to call (and get a return on our preflop investment) more often than we fold. This presupposes that we are able to estimate outs and equity quickly and accurately on the flop. But this is an easy thing to learn.
FLOP : Ks64dh , and CO pushes all in .  So we have:

- Par + 3 kickers (2 + 6 =8 outs)
- Gutshot (4 outs)
- Backdoor flush (1 out)

This gives us a total of 13 outs against AAxx. This corresponds to 3 x 13 + 9 =48% equity on the flop (Remember: We use the 4x-rule with 0-9 outs, and the 3x + 9-rule with 10 or more outs). pokertools tells us our actual equity is 47%, so our estimate was pretty good.

Sorry for the long post but my question is , how do you guys figure this out quickly and easy enough in spots like this one to know if it's a call or fold, when 4-6+ tabling ?

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