Facing 3bet HU PLO - need help

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Facing 3bet HU PLO - need help


I have problem with my redline in HU PLO50

I think my main red line leak is playing vs 3bet.

here is graph from this month, facing 3bet=true

So awful!!
How to fix that, What other info/filters i should post here?? To get help?
I do not know how to play vs 3bet especially when villian is very aggro and 3bet 25%+.

What is good strategy vs very wide 3bettor?? What i should do vs wide 3bet range??


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themightyjim 10 years, 9 months ago

your winrate is 18.6bb/100.  I think you're doing fine.  jesus.

I would assume that you SHOULD be losing in non-sd when facing a 3bet.  In that case villain almost certainly has a tighter and stronger range than you, and villain will likely take the betting lead.  My guess is that you're making up for lots of folding by stacking villains that can't fold their overpair/toppair type stuff against your wraps+FD/trips/sets etc.

If you really think it's a big leak the best suggestion I could make would be to start by folding some of the worst of your range facing the 3bet, and then postflop try to work on realizing your equity either by avoiding difficult b/f spots or by working on your range construction post so that you can have a turn raising range that includes value and bluffs after calling a flop cbet facing a double barrel.

Etris 10 years, 9 months ago

Very often i fight vs opponents with 30-40% 3bet, and i think this graph
should be a lot better, when i have position advantage + villian have
weak wide range

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 9 months ago

When villains are putting too much money into pots with weak, wide ranges, we should be making most of our money by getting to showdown against them with tighter, stronger ranges/pushing equity edges against them (e.g. 4-betting our strong hands and getting action). Guys over-aggroing aren't the ones we need to beat pre-showdown as your ~20bbs/100 winrate shows.

Don't get me wrong, searching for ways to improve is always good, but the bottom line here is you are crushing these guys so broadly I'd keep doing what you're doing!

Etris 10 years, 9 months ago
Thx for the answer.

My sample is small ofc but i feel i have big edge over majority of plo50 players pool.

The only thing i dont like is playing vs more aggro villians, I mean I
hate this feeling when somebody pushes me around (it could be ego
thing), I prefer to be a player who has control over the game, and when
someone takes me this control (like very aggro villian) then I'm
getting lost most of my edge, and I am getting frustrated

midori 10 years, 9 months ago

Taking the control of match doesn't always mean being the aggressive one.  Sometimes you can just sit back, play solid poker and let those aggro players do all the work to exploit themselves, and that is a much more elegant way of controlling the match.  Think about it, yo. :)

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