Easy fold on river or can I call somehow?
Posted by nmsKing
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Low Stakes
Easy fold on river or can I call somehow?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BB: $19.12
UTG: $12.01
MP: $10.40 (Hero)
CO: $11.09
BN: $38.04
SB: $17.75
UTG: $12.01
MP: $10.40 (Hero)
CO: $11.09
BN: $38.04
SB: $17.75
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
UTG wins $6.23
Rake is $0.29
Rake is $0.29
Occasionally I like to slow play my sets on flop and bet / re-raise on turn. Don't think he will pot bluff on river but also my hand is somewhat disguised.
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You don't block hearts which I think is important, but without a read on my opponent I'm probably folding as played.
Against an opponent I know is capable of bluffing busted draws I'm calling. I have those people tagged, since the pool of players from my experience rarely if ever triple barrel and just give up on rivers.
I like what Phil says in his videos about not slow playing, but extracting value.
I think it’s okay to fold vs a population that doesn’t bluff rivers even if you’re wrong this one time you will still be okay ... having said that I think in theory we’d have to call this combo so we have some non straight calls in our range and this combo unblocking hearts and 67 would be a good one to call
The silver lining is that he learned his opponent is a calling station, and so he could ease up on bluffing versus this player as a counter-strategy MyPrepaidCenter
I wouldn't be shocked if it's a fold preflop. Three of a suit is a problem and our position isn't good.
I could see flop going either way. Calling allows us to control the pot when a lot of runouts will be tough, and raising is going to strengthen villain's range to stuff we're not doing amazing against. But raising doesn't seem too wild to me.
You can't keep playing slow on the turn. With just one card to come, we're too far ahead to not build a pot. And we have position, so we can check back the river if we really want to.
Against an unknown, I don't think I can fold river as-played. We do completely unblock straights, but we also unblock natural bluffs. And A3xx/63xx really shouldn't be an especially likely holding for an UTG RFI.
You my be surprised,but actually you can be behind here on flop. In some scenario we are flipping on turn. It's up to you how you decide play this spots. You need to play them same to be ev+
In this given scenario I would play range Vs range. He shouldn't have this lower cards in he's range expect ds6543 which I'm gonna open from utg as well or 6655ds 5544ds etc.
The way you played I will put you on missed flush draw and bluff full pot myself .
In your case I call.
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