Drawing hand gets called. Shall I bet turn when I have odds to call
Posted by MegaGrinder
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Low Stakes
Drawing hand gets called. Shall I bet turn when I have odds to call
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players)
BN: $41.00
SB: $49.92
BB: $45.71 (Hero)
UTG: $39.88
CO: $53.03
SB: $49.92
BB: $45.71 (Hero)
UTG: $39.88
CO: $53.03
Hero is BB with
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I thought that there is enough fold equity to check-raise pot. Villain is 90/60 player and I wanted to isolate.
That's the spot. If we check and villain bets, we have to call. However equitywise we are now behind. My reasoning for bet goes so.
If we are behind, money gets in anyways. So if we bet, we might get villain make a mistake and fold some equity (which in this situation is very very unlikely). I also might make a mistake at river if A comes and money does not go in now.
So shall I just wait and hope that it gets checked through?
If we are behind, money gets in anyways. So if we bet, we might get villain make a mistake and fold some equity (which in this situation is very very unlikely). I also might make a mistake at river if A comes and money does not go in now.
So shall I just wait and hope that it gets checked through?
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I think you can consider 3betting this preflop, by the way. Against 60%6H in PPT, you're pushing an equity edge and you have okay visibility for the kinds of things you're actually trying to hit (like this flop). Villain is liable to be isolating from the button very wide and you block AA, so I don't think it'd be a huge mistake unless they've been 4betting a lot. But you then also need to play OOP, so I'm not saying calling was bad... it was just something that came to mind: "re-isolating" against them with this slight equity edge (and high implied odds for nutty developments) may be good (especially if it folds out a higher hh hand).
Raising the flop makes sense to me, especially if they've been cbetting frequently. Against a range of two-pair and sets, you're a slight favorite anyway (so says PPT).
I have no problem with jamming turn unless villain has been much tighter postflop than preflop. If you think they're calling the flop wider than two-pair/sets, it easily ends up being +EV unless I've bungled the math.
if hes 90/60 hes going to have QJTx in his range, JT9x,QJ97 etc. I don't like the x/r as hes not likely to stack off light here. 90/60 preflop doesn't equate to punts postflop. atleast not the games I play in, theres usually 2 types of 90/60..the kind with an AF of 2.0 and AF of 8+..if hes a 2.0 I just x/c flop. we have 2 backdoor flushdraws as well. no reason to get freerolled just because of preflop stats. if you had 99xx and x/r flop, would you jam turn?
Call Pf, call flop, fold turn.
I like the flop c/r. we are likely to clean up some outs and with a five card wrap have great equity vs most holdings. On the turn there is no choice at this SPR but to bet the rest.
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