donked into on board pairing turn in 3bet pot

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donked into on board pairing turn in 3bet pot

HJ: $0
CO: $525.69
BN: $616.78 (Hero)
SB: $379.27
BB: $215.16
UTG: $259.58
LJ: $142.97
opener is a 23/16/7 (vpip/pfr/3bet) guy who stars by shortstacking and will continue to play full if a fish is at the table. He's a little nitty at times post, but I actually think he plays fairly well.

SB is a 23/15/5 who I've played with before but manage to not have any reads on (I know shame on me). His range for flatting this 3bet in the blinds has to be very tight. I can imagine it's some KKxxds, maybe some AAxx that he doesn't feel comfortable 4betting and playing deep, some double pair connected ds hands TT99ds for example.

My range for 3betting in these positions is medium strength and better AA, KKds, strong ds rundowns etc. I think my 3bet numbers in these positions will probaby be something around 4-5%.
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt J K 7 T
UTG raises to $7, LJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to $24, SB calls $23, BB folds, UTG folds
Flop ($57.00) 2 8 5 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $36, SB calls $36
I cbet the flop because my range is still ahead of his, and I have no SD value and not a ton of great turn cards.
Turn ($129.00) 2 (2 Players)
SB bets $71, HJ folds, Hero folds
this turn really shouldn't hit either of our ranges. I guess he can have a 2 in his hand because some of his KKds and weak AA may have a 2. But I think by that argument I also have the same number of 2's in my range. Also I would expect him to raise most sets or two pair+draws on the flop, so I don't really think he has a lot of trips/boats in his range. That being said, if he has AA I could imagine him leading this turn to prevent me from checking through.

As soon as he lead I thought about jamming my flush draw. I figured he would have to fold everything that was AAxx with a FD or better. But I timed for a little bit thinking about the hand, then got worried my timing looked weak, and finally timed out and folded.

should I have raise folded the turn? jammed the turn? is my fold good? I feel like calling is the worst option.
Final Pot
SB wins $197

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