Defending wider from BB

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Defending wider from BB

BN: BTN: $137.70
SB: SB: $134.77
BB: Hero: $214.30
Preflop ($2.00) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt 5 J 6 7
BTN raises to $3, SB calls $2, Hero calls $2
Flop ($9.00) 9 4 J (3 Players)
SB bets $9, Hero calls $9, BTN folds
Turn ($27.00) 7 (2 Players)
SB bets $20, Hero calls $20
River ($67.00) A (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $21, SB calls $21
Final Pot
SB has 5 8 J J Hero has 5 J 6 7 SB wins $107

Hi all :)

I was watching some videos which discussed defending a bit wider from the blinds, so I thought I'd put in an example hand from it.  Is this hand too light to defend 3 handed, or is it OK but find a fold on the flop/turn without any decent big hand equity (nuttish)?


The button is playing 23/17, raise first 32% on the button and the Villain (SB) 52/30/13 with 11% 3 bet from the SB (could be relevant).  His donk bets are for flop/turn/river: 12%(59 sample size) 8(24) 17 (6) and WTSD 29 with W$SD 40 (6)




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Phil Galfond 11 years, 1 month ago

Hey Steve!

Preflop play OOP is something there's a lot of disagreement on.

In my opinion, this hand is too weak to defend in this spot.  Against a minraise and a call (or a minraise and a fold) I'd see a flop.  

This guy isn't raising much on the button, so his entire raising range is better than your hand.

Weak hands (especially with weak suits) play poorly in multiway pots, though they hold up okay in HU pots.  I'd still have folded to his raise had SB folded, but it becomes a lot closer (I'd call against a looser opener).

On the flop, you're put in a very tough spot, and I think you should fold.  A strong button opening range and two high connected cards makes it very easy for you to be called/raised behind you.  A 12% donk range is fairly tight, too.  It's extremely likely that someone has a FD that dominates yours, and if so, you're only drawing to a weak two pair.

Your hand looks like it has a lot of potential, but you're really just drawing to a hand with reverse implied odds.  There are basically no board runouts on which you'll be value raising or value betting confidently.

So, fold the flop.

As played, I think the turn and river look perfect.  You turn enough of a hand to continue, and when you river the low flush, I think you can eek out some value against most opponents like you tried to do here.

Are these preflop stats filtered for 3 handed, by the way?

ZenFish 11 years, 1 month ago

For some perspective on the importance of suits:

- J765:wxyz = top 87%
- J765:xxxx = top 76%
- J765:Jxxxy = top 65%
- J765:Jxyyz = top 62% (your hand)
- J765:Jxxyz = top 57%
- J765:xxyy = top 30%

So it varies between absolute garbage and not-too-shabby, depending on suits. We already knew that double-suited is much, much better than anything else, but it's still useful to play around with Odds Oracle's Range Explorer module to get a feel for various weak hands. Tweaking suits and ranks just a little can change the value and playability of a hand significantly.

CreepyHawking 11 years, 1 month ago

Zen, where do you get these numbers from? Is it a program you wrote yourself, or is there a resource available online? I wrote my own python script to do this, maybe I should post it if there's nothing freely available.

24Caliber 11 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback, made my day seeing Phil Galfond responded! :D

What is the reasoning for changing between calling/folding if you face a min raise or 3x pre? 

Is it common for players to widen their defending range vs a min bet rather than 3x - if so, then do you think there is merit to opening the buttons to min rather than 3x to keep the BB's range wider (maybe more hand / player specific, obviously every situation is unique) and invite worse spots for him postflop; or will it just mean he is more likely to realise his equity / 'play more optimal' preflop?

Zen I'm keen to get practising some more stuff in Odds Oracle, but I'm a tiny bit confused by what the wxyz xxxx JxxxY suit combo's etc means, any chance you could explain it for me? Thanks for your help I do appreciate it, I'm just one month into playing Omaha :) 

The stats are not filtered for 3 way! (Is there a way to make HEM2 do this?) 

TianYuan 11 years, 1 month ago

Caliber, you get better odds vs a minraise so obviously you have to defend more. Most regs 2.5x or 2x the button nowadays, though I've noticed some that pot it recently, presumably because people have started defending much wider.

24Caliber 11 years, 1 month ago

Yes better immediate odds, but you still have to play out of position and with a weaker/vulnerable holding, does that tiny bit of value (1 or 2 bb's) really compensate for the other disadvantages?

TianYuan 11 years, 1 month ago

Lets say he opens button 65% (fairly normal for a reg), and you have J657$ss...
If he minraises you are getting what, 3.5:1? So you need a bit under 23% equity to call.

J657$ss has 43% equity vs a 65% range. In order to not call this, you need to think that his post flop advantage is going to be so big that you can't even realize half of your equity vs his range... If it's some sick crusher dropping down to our lowly peon stakes and making a video that's opening the button, then shit, maybe we should fold.

Maybe. I still wouldn't tho.

Sauce123 11 years, 1 month ago

As for preflop, you'd have to pry this hand from my cold dead fingers.  I'm not folding this ever closing the action.

The rest of the hand is standard ish.  I think you can fold the flop as gross as that seems.  I sometimes call though hoping to get it hu and use position.  The rest of the hand is standard.  The river is a little tricky as you'll both hold a flush a big % here.  I sometimes ask myself whether I'm turning J9 into a bluff here, and if the answer is yes, it's probably right for me to vbet even my baby flushes.  Idk I might play safe here on the river and check.

edit: just did the math and river is super close between bet and check.  Basically, if you think he's likely to jam all or most of his big flushes then sneak in a small value bet like you did.  If you think he sometimes checkraises just check and vbet with the T or J high flush.  Also realize you open yourself up to him taking a hand he's check calling (like the T hi flush), and seeing your small bet and jamming on you and adding some bluffs.

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