deep 4bet pot with KKds

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deep 4bet pot with KKds

SB: $27.53
BB: $55.34
UTG: $92.27
HJ: $128.89 (Hero)
CO: $17.51
BN: $61.42
Preflop ($0.75) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K 3 K 5
UTG raises to $1.75, Hero calls $1.75, CO folds, BN calls $1.75, SB raises to $9.25, BB folds, UTG calls $7.50, Hero raises to $39.25, BN folds, SB calls $18.28, and is all in, UTG calls $30
Flop ($110.28) 5 6 7 (3 Players)
UTG bets $53.02, Hero calls $53.02

Preflop: SB had been at the table for only 1 orbit, but already 3bet once and raised twice so I figured there is a reasonable chance of him being somewhat spazzy.
UTG is a regular. He's loose and somewhat spazzy preflop (openraised and 5betshoved QT97ds vs 3bet+cold4bet/ reisolated IP with K885ds) and not really positionally aware (33/30 UTG). I figured that I'm way ahead of his range and also IP postflop so I went for the 4bet. I have a really hard time figuring out optimal preflop lines by myself but it feels right to push a EQ advantage deep IP preflop.

Flop: I suck at sidepot math so I can't do much in that regard, but with FD+pair+OP+gutter I can't fold this flop right? HEM shows that I get 3:1 so I need 25%, but that prolly changes due to the sidepot. 
Anyways. UTG is shoving any pair+sd, good fd, 2p, set etc. here so this is a snap, isn't it?

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