DB PLO BP four way all in

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DB PLO BP four way all in

Hero is P1 in this hand. $5+$1 (to the dealer) Double board PLO Bomb pot eight ways.

Flop check x8
EP (p4) pots $40.
MP (P2) calls $40
Hero BTN (P1) calls $40
SB (P3) XR $240
EP calls all in $200ish.
MP all in $300
Hero Calls $300
SB calls $300.

Total pot around $1100.

Facing SB all in, EP all in, MP all in, and action to me. I have the nuts on one board with a redraw to a 3 or a heart. Usually if its just heads up I think it would be a fold because you are fighting for half the pot and if you are up against the same hand you end up getting quartered. Looking at the equities I win 25% of the pot about 39% of the time chopping with player 3. 22% of the time I suck out with a 3 or a heart. So is this worth calling off? If it was only 3 way all in, should I just fold? Do I need KhXh with the 53 to stack off here?

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