Database review for improvement
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Mid Stakes
Database review for improvement
So I want to start really working on my game to start climbing up the ladder since i'm stuck playing 50 and 100 plo 6m for a while and learned mostly with training videos and by playing, but reviewing my own hand histories in PT4 is something that I've never really done before besides checking out the big pots and occasional interesting hands.
So questions are pretty straightforward, how to start, what to do, which spots to look for and which filters to use and how to spot out leaks that actually make a big impact on the winrate.
Any feedback will be hardly appreciated. :)
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Start with all-ins*. If you want to narrow that down further, start with flop all-ins, perhaps between SPR 3.5 - 6. You can filter for that easily in PT4. Pick 10 recent such spots, calculate the best play, and verify that this was the one you chose. When you come across spots that you are uncertain about, post them here in the forums. Help will come.
You can use whatever method you prefer to calculate the EV. A spreadsheet and a free equity calculator if you're on a budget, PPT and/or PJ if you are serious about improving. If you want to learn how to calculate EV, then I believe there are a few videos in the Essential library that explains just that.
Now choose another 10 spots, and repeat...
** I say start with all-ins because they are the biggest pots, and happen somewhat frequently in PLO. They also form a baseline for many other things, like how to choose whether to bet or check in spots where you know you can't stack off. But you have to know whether you can stack off or not first.
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