crazy live game...poorly played spot illustrating some of my fundamental weaknesses

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crazy live game...poorly played spot illustrating some of my fundamental weaknesses

1-3 game with $10 straddle on button just about every hand. Avg stack is btw 800-900. Hero has close to 900.

Hero has KQQ2ds. There is a straddle and 2 limps. Hero raises 60. CO and Button call, with the limpers. 5 way action
pot~ 300
K Q 3 r
checks to hero...The spr is ~ 2.75. Hero checks, which in hindsight I really dont like. My logic at the time was by checking I protect a lot of my range that cant bet, which is a big portion, and since we block a K, depending on our sizing, it may be hard to get called by a lot, so inducing a bet may be best case to extract value. Also, button is overly aggressive but not incompetent player who was stuck at the time. Plus, they all have most of their KK combos to this point, but I'm not folding at this stack depth anyway unless there is some ungodly action. So, am I wrong to say this is a fist pump bet???
Flop checks through, and like a boss, we catch a favorable card. Checks to hero...we bet 155. Button raises to 345. We have about 700 behind facing the raise. I think Button would raise 3+ for this sizing for value, but also bluff this spot a bunch given my perceived range looks capped. I called in game, but I think better play would be to click it back...what do you guys think?
checks through and we win.

I think my fundamental leaks are flop decisions like this and playing at this awkward stack depth. I find myself too often looking to cr and get most of the money in, instead of just betting. Could you guys give me some insight as to what general reasoning goes through your mind in these spots?

Also, I know this is getting long, but what are you guys thoughts on preflop play in these games? Should I be limping everything while looking for good spots to limp re raise? Or is it fine to raise with a solid range knowing you will get 4 callers?


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jackmania224 10 years ago

I would not raise the hand with two limpers in the pot already. I just don't feel it plays that well post flop multi-way. Raising seems more friendly with one limper in the pot to shut out a little bit of the action(protecting your pair), but all things considered I'm calling the hand pre-flop and not putting myself into an exceptionally dangerous situation.

TheLuckier 10 years ago

I agree with jackmania224. Since there is straddle of 10 we have 90BB which makes our hand hard to play especially in a loose game where there are probably a lot of mutly way pots. But since we have raised pre and there are 4 more players in I will consider just bet ... bet ... A lot of wraps, pairs + OE which might call one bet on the flop and commit till the river. I will probably check hand like KJTXss/ds or AKTXss/ds. Also there might be a chance someone from the limpers to have hand which he wants to check/raise on the flop but won't get the opport.

hinuttaja 9 years, 11 months ago

Generally, in these loose games, big pairs (AA-QQ) with bad side-cards should be played as "small pairs in holdem" - drawing cheaply to a set. If somebody raises behind you - fine, if you think you're a solid favourite against his range and/or there is a lot of dead money in the pot - go ahead and back-raise and get the money in preflop. If not, try to hit a set or some other profitable situation. If that all fails, you've only spent $10 of your $900 stack.

As a side note, this is also an effective way to counter aggressive position 3-bettors even when deep-stacked. If you raise, and the aggro-monkey on your left reraises, others will most probably fold facing a double raise. However, if you limp (with hands that play well in multi-way single-raised pots)
and the aggro raises, others will likely join the party with only one raise to call.
Then - postflop - in 5-or-more-handed pots, the value of position decreases a lot and the pots will have to be won by showing the best hand. And that you're likely to have more often than the opposition, if you play right kind of hands.

spassewr 9 years, 11 months ago

Even an overaggro player will not stab very lite very often in a 5handed pot with a low spr when the board is KQ2 (rainbow?) so id always bet the flop unless i was first or second to act

samuelazo 9 years, 11 months ago

Bet /bet /bet is the way to go. Also agree with the limping arguments previously commented. A hand with a pair in Omaha is a handicap unless u hit ur set. Maybe HU or 3way with the maniac last to act ,then u could argue for the chk/raise OTF, otherwise start building a pot. If u dont get called u wouldnt get anything by checkraisng anyway, so theres not much room to get creative in that spot.

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