c/r flop and give up?
Posted by RunitTwice
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Mid Stakes
c/r flop and give up?
SB: $473.60
BB: $426.57 (Hero)
UTG: $724
HJ: $160
CO: $184.18
BN: $400
BB: $426.57 (Hero)
UTG: $724
HJ: $160
CO: $184.18
BN: $400
bu is l0ve2playu
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to $12, SB folds, Hero calls $8
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to $12, SB folds, Hero calls $8
1st mistake? he is not stealing that much and is tough to play oop and its a 3bb open.. guess just muck it.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BN bets $24,
Hero raises to $60,
BN calls $36
I feel like I got tons of immidiate FE, cc maybe in option, but this is the easiest way to play it vs a tough agressive opponent.
(2 Players)
Hero bets $108,
BN raises to $328, and is all in,
Hero folds
Now the real question, shall I or shouldnt I fire another barrel? I m really struggling in these spots, last 5 times I bet the turn here, ppl just insta shove on me, dont I have any FE in this spot and should just give up?
Final Pot
wins $359.20
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given we have a gutty here as well as set outs, i actually think this hand has too much to x/r and xc should be the std here given we defended. because were 100bb deep here our flop xr leaves very little room to maneuver and i think we benefit by being able to see a river.
Whats the boarder To x/foldig here? Are we calling eg 8663ss with only low-fd+set outs? I'm struggling with non-but fds OOP vs cbets if they don't have much to go with it.
Pre seems fine.
+1 to above
i fold pre vs a button who's not stealing much...
as played yes i very much like bombing any turn
I'd fold pre to 3x from a player who doesn't steal a lot (would defend vs min-raise). On the flop you can argue for both c/r and c/c, which usually means there's a close decision.
In close decisions, use Villain's tendencies as a tiebreaker, because these are generally the spots where reads matter the most. The strategies for your best and worst hands won't change much with opponent type, but the value of close spots can easily swing from +EV to -EV (or the opposite) based on your particular opponent.
A particularly interesting question to ask is: How often do I get to realize my equity?
If Villain will barrel turn a lot when called, then check-calling weak'ish draws becomes less attractive, and you can adjust by slotting more of them into the c/r range. If he fights back hard against check-raises too, that might not work out too well, but then you can bluff less, shift the action towards your good hands, and let him spew against those.
If he plays turns passively after getting called, you'll find more profitable flop check-calling spots. You get to realize equity more often, and will have more river bluffing opportunities.
If you don't know how he plays vs check-raises or check-calls, then you'll just have to experiment and find out. Check-call looks flop ok here, with a gutter and set outs. As played, you're on your own. ;-)
great answer....
love2playu is very good player that was playing 2 years ago high stakes and now plays low/mid stakes as I noticed... He is very aggressive and also gives up hands where he isn't that strong... I was playing several hands with him zoom 1 2.... He seems to be nice guy also...
Check raise him 100 BB deep with baby FD and gutter OTF is not super wise in my opinion... He is not folding AKQ9 with bdfd type hand....
Secondly, I would not lead and then fold OTT ever... Easy c/c IF not c/f....
When you think of his range OTF:
if he's on FD - you r drawing dead
if he smoothly called your c/r he could easily have AA (waited for non spade turn to trap you) or AKsBCs hand (trapping again) - you r not in good shape...
Also OTT he knows he is most of the time better than you + he figured out u r on FD+(gutter) vs his two pairs with maybe one FD.
I personally think c/r OTF was bit optimistic + your hand could be played HU IP preflop (limp mode vs early position that bet e.g. 2BB and you r in BN), but NOT OOP vs preflop FP raiser (BN)...
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