Couple of Turn Problems
Posted by BingBangBong
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Low Stakes
Couple of Turn Problems
Hey found both these hands from a recent session. Both pretty tricky situations I thought.
Both also against the same player - 180 hands 25/19/14, His fold flop to cbet is 22%, fold turn to c bet 25% and his raise turn c bet is 67%. Small sample I know probably completely skewed by these 2 hands.
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fold both preflop
I would fold both hand as well.
On the AK95ss hand. I would open this hand if the 5 would be a T or higher.
As played it is a fold on the turn. HIs hand looks like something strong which wants to protect against a diamond draw or something.
Ship it if you believe that villains likes to semi-bluff the turn a lot. I have no clue how many hands we need to check and use the stat raise c-bet turn. But 70% looks like hell of a lot to me.
On the K962 triple suited.This hand is just pure trash in my opinion. Villain looks like a decent player. So a steel with any 2 will not be good.
As played it is the same lane as the first hand. Well we have the position advantage. Did you gather some reads? Maybe I am to tight but I would fold one more time here. But again. If you believe villain will bluff here a lot, just ship it or call and let him bluff one more time.
Can you not use the hand history tool provided by RIO? Would be easier to look at the hand in the thread.
They are both garbage hands, if I am to open garbage it is defintiely preferred on the BTN but K962sss is very loose, unless I am aware villains overfolding I likely folding. If they fold > 70% to a steal I open almost any 4. But fold as played imo.
Fistpump fold pre on both
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