Couple of Turn Problems

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Couple of Turn Problems

Hey found both these hands from a recent session. Both pretty tricky situations I thought.

Both also against the same player - 180 hands 25/19/14, His fold flop to cbet is 22%, fold turn to c bet 25% and his raise turn c bet is 67%. Small sample I know probably completely skewed by these 2 hands.


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Eetung 8 years, 8 months ago

I would fold both hand as well.

On the AK95ss hand. I would open this hand if the 5 would be a T or higher.

As played it is a fold on the turn. HIs hand looks like something strong which wants to protect against a diamond draw or something.
Ship it if you believe that villains likes to semi-bluff the turn a lot. I have no clue how many hands we need to check and use the stat raise c-bet turn. But 70% looks like hell of a lot to me.

On the K962 triple suited.This hand is just pure trash in my opinion. Villain looks like a decent player. So a steel with any 2 will not be good.

As played it is the same lane as the first hand. Well we have the position advantage. Did you gather some reads? Maybe I am to tight but I would fold one more time here. But again. If you believe villain will bluff here a lot, just ship it or call and let him bluff one more time.

P0tlimitlife 8 years, 8 months ago

They are both garbage hands, if I am to open garbage it is defintiely preferred on the BTN but K962sss is very loose, unless I am aware villains overfolding I likely folding. If they fold > 70% to a steal I open almost any 4. But fold as played imo.

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