Correct to bet/fold this flop?
Posted by ponyneck
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Low Stakes
Correct to bet/fold this flop?
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PL Omaha $0.10(BB)
HERO ($22.93) [VPIP: 24.6% | PFR: 13.7% | AGG: 31.7% | 3-Bet: 5.5% | Hands: 90772]
CO ($36.74) [VPIP: 25.1% | PFR: 16.8% | AGG: 41.5% | 3-Bet: 3.9% | Hands: 5553]
BTN ($14.68) [VPIP: 41% | PFR: 12.8% | AGG: 16.1% | 3-Bet: 11.1% | Hands: 39]
SB ($10.82) [VPIP: 36.9% | PFR: 20.9% | AGG: 29.3% | 3-Bet: 4.5% | Hands: 190]
BB ($10) [VPIP: 28.8% | PFR: 20.2% | AGG: 16.9% | 3-Bet: 5.6% | Hands: 106]
Dealt to Hero: 7h Kc Ks Js
HERO Raises To $0.35, CO Folds, BTN Calls $0.35, SB Calls $0.30, BB Calls $0.25
Hero SPR on Flop: [6.89 effective]
Flop ($1.40): 8d 4s 9s
SB Checks, BB Checks, HERO Bets $1 (Rem. Stack: 21.58), BTN Calls $1 (Rem. Stack: 13.33), SB Raises To $5.33 (Rem. Stack: 5.14), BB Folds, HERO Folds, BTN Folds
SB wins: $4.18
My thoughts on the hand at the time went like this: None of my draws were to the nuts. I felt villians range included wraps & sets, hands which I'm either slightly ahead or way far behind. I didn't see much that I was crushing. Flush draws are of course always there for villain too, but I didn't feel FD was the primary reason for the raise. More than likely they would just act as blockers to my hand should I be behind. There's still one player left to act behind me.
My thoughts in retrospect are: The open UTG to start things off is light, but I don't hate it. I do like the sizing on the flop. However, I'm too high up in my range to be folding here. It's too exploitable to be folding this spot.
Would just like other people's opinions. This hand's been bugging me since I played it.
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Very constructive answer lmao...
If it were 100bb+ it would be kind of gross but given how short he is you can't fold here. He's ripping a lot of pair+flush draw or straight draw combos most of which you dominate. Even against sets you have more than 30% equity, the only hand that dominates you (AAxxss) shouldn't even be in his range he should be 3betting pre.
I believe effective stack size is 150bb. I would check flop 4way. As played I'd reluctantly gii.
Oh wow for some reason I thought it was PLO25 woops lol
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