Continuing with an Ace on a Ace high board OOP versus 3bettor - 50 zoom plo
Posted by keizersbaard
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Low Stakes
Continuing with an Ace on a Ace high board OOP versus 3bettor - 50 zoom plo
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $48.98
SB: $54.47
BB: $70.40
UTG: $17.46
MP: $33.50
CO: $62.78 (Hero)
SB: $54.47
BB: $70.40
UTG: $17.46
MP: $33.50
CO: $62.78 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
BN wins $14.49
Rake is $0.76
Rake is $0.76
How in general would you continue on this board versus a cbet from a decent regular who has approximately a 10% 3bet frequency versus CO open?
In this actual hand the villian cbets very very tight, (overall less then 40%) which makes it a clear fold IMO. However I am uncertain if I should continue here even versus someone with a wider cbet frequency. Overall I would feel pretty comfortable calling if the Q was a 9 or lower, but for Ten, Jack or a Queen I dont really know. What would your decision be? and if you call, on which turn cards do you continue versus what is presumably going to be a pot bet most of the time?
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I don't see many scenario where we are happy to call another bet on the turn, especially without position. maybe a 8 or like a 7h but even there we could be still dominated. I would fold there but again, I'm no expert, this is just my opinion.
Próbably cant fold this otf for half pot. You will be way overfolding. Sometimes they are one and Done and u get to sd
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