constructing villain ranges...
Posted by jeff T
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jeff T
posted in
Low Stakes
constructing villain ranges...
I want to start playing with the ranges of villains but I dont feel confident estimating. For an UTG 20% open for example, do I plug in big pairs, A high rundowns, K high rundowns, one gappers, two gappers, all suited all rainbow all 3 to a suit all double suited, some double pair hands say 99xx +... I dont know how I can actually estimate it accurately to gauge my equity in different spots...and Im sure Ill end up miscalculating my equity in every spot. Anyone who can tell me how they started out doing this Id appreciate it.
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The ProPokerTools x% hand ranking is a good place to start. For a 20% UTG open in 6-max, you can write 20%6h.
With the preflop ranges chosen, use filters in PPT to select hands for his various ranges postflop.
For example:
Villain raises a 20%'ish range from UTG (you can find the open% by position from the HUD), you call on the BTN. The flop comes Ah Ks 2d. If you want to know how often he has top pair or better, here's the PPT input:
This can be written simpler. "A" covers all possible hands with an A (top pair, top + bottom pair, top two pair, top set), so we can shorten it to:
But it's fine to write the long form to keep it organized and easier to interpret quickly.
Another thing to help range is to plug some hands into the rank function on PPT. While this is not gospel for starting ranges, it gives you an idea of where hands fit into rankings. For example this is the ranking for all JJ hands that contain one pair.
You can get more specific and see how specific hands fit into the percentage of hands and this can help you get a feel for the range of hands that people are likely playing. Nothing will ever beat getting more specific reads from hands at SD. If villain shows a really trashy QQ hand from UTG but is playing a tight range we can assume that his 20% of hands might be very OP heavy and we can start to range him even better than just saying 20% of hands.
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