Constructing my 3bet range PLO10
Posted by Puma1
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Low Stakes
Constructing my 3bet range PLO10
I am wondering what kind of hands should I bet picking to 3b in position so I dont become too exploitable 3 betting with too narrow range as I feel the better regs take note of my low 3b% and play more agressive on boards that seem bad for AAxx type hands?
I've done some research/thinking and i've come to conclusion adding hands like 89TJds seam best especialy since these hands don't play very well multiway because of non nut flush draw and I can comfortably get it in preflop vs AAxx type hands and be coinfliping.I also found that even a bit worse hands do quite well vs AAxx such as Q987ds as it has cca 40% equity preflop on average.
But I feel my 3b% is still too low with just those hands so I am looking for opinions should I be 3 betting hands like QKJ2ds in position vs tighter players? Also I've done some experimenting with 3b hands like KKA3 with nut flush draw but I feel that when I get 4 bet holding those i'm in quite a dicey spot as its AAxx type hand doing the 4 betting very often so I'm dominated, but on the other hand I have a quite strong hand so it feels folding is a waste so should I be even 3 betting such hands?
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IP GTO 3b ranges:
a. MP vs EP open ~ 5%
b. BTN vs EP open ~5%
c. BTN vs CO open ~10%
d. BB vs SB open ~10%
Our IP 3b ranges makes sense to be wider than our OOP 3b ranges. How wide though can they really be?
3b ranges > 12% can be considered pretty wide for most games.
On top of that in micros players are trigger happy to cold call 3bets or almost never fold vs 3bets.
This makes us want to construct exploitative 3b ranges that are doing well in MW pots.
So i ld avoid 3betting ruggish AA hands IP.
What sort of hands we can further include to 3b with? AKK, AQQ, AJJ , ATT hands are all decent candidates for 3betting as they block AA. Or hands like A987 also are great 3b candidates. Then we can add KK type of hands , double pairs and rundowns.
Alright thanks for help I'll play around with adding such hands and see how it goes
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