Cold call IP
Posted by SpazBob
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Low Stakes
Cold call IP
How do you construct your cold calling range on MP/CO when facing open from UTG/MP.? I mean it is tempting to call with hands like 99T7ds, QQT6ss, or AJT7ss, they look pretty, but flop at microstakes usually goes multiway, we will be pretty often playing OOP when BTN enters, or squeezed between preflop raiser and blinds. Not to mention of possibility of getting 3bet. And many times we flop only mediocre draw or whatever and it would be tough to navigate.
What are the worst hands we can profitably call in this spots?
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depends a bit how UTG plays. You need a really strong hand to get involved here. I think bad aces can be a good choice for flatting here, because while you won't get three bet very often (unless there is a maniac or two at the table) when they do reraise behind you it is tremendously profitable.
Yeah, bad AA and then I think combos that simply play well MW because it's going to be really rare in lower stakes pools that you end up HU with the dynamic described. Trash KKXXss plays pretty well, possibly AQQXss with the nut suit if you find that your table is pretty passive. If there is a reasonable amount of 3 betting going on, then you need to keep that in mind and start slashing the trashy pairs besides AA, which can then often back raise for stacks as plolearnerguy pointed out. A lot players in EP in the lower stakes pools, especially on the weaker sites will open way too wide and often call most every 3 bet, so you can actually start to consider more 3 bets yourself, but as far as cold calling I would in general try to enter with combos that are quite strong in this scenario and have great playability MW. Strong multi-component hands such as KQJTss, JJT9ss, and T887ds are the types of combos I would look to VPIP. Remember, in PLO position is so incredibly powerful and in poker in general we don't need to attack strength and get involved so often in a scenario like this. We get to attack and apply pressure in position and if we decide to get involved in MP vs an EP open, then we will be disciplined with our hand selection and be able to flop very well with our strong range.
I'm thinking of putting together a video on this topic as I've seen a few questions about it, but just need to figure out how I want to go about it.
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