Classic AAxx Problem - Can We CF??
Posted by BingBangBong
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Low Stakes
Classic AAxx Problem - Can We CF??
PLO hands from sites other than Stars don't work in the re-player?
Can people find a cf on this type of flop ever?
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Yes, you should definitely fold here. The flop smashes both of the other players ranges and you have little to no chance of improving.
You didn't provide any reads on your opponents so I assigned them some generic ranges in Pokerjuice. The results are so clear that it doesn't matter much, though.
I gave MP a range of $FI20!$3b4i!AA (top 20% of hands without a 4% 3-betting range and aces) and the button $3b6i!AA (6% 3-betting range without AA). Against these ranges you only have 10% equity on the flop. Even though the SPR is really now, this is not nearly enough to get it in here.
3 ways, i'm giving up. Great that you have an spr < 1 here but its just a nasty spot and one in which your hand is likely very weak.
Let's give them some ranges:
UTG+1 called 3BB bet & cold called 51.5BB bet. I think he has these type of hands
{TTxx - QQxx, AKQx, AKJx, AKTx, KQJx, QJTx}
BTN reraised to 15.5BB & cold called 51.5BB bet.
{JJxx - KKxx, AKQx, AKJx, AKTx, KQJx}
On that flop, you have 22%, UTG+1 45% & BTN 35%. So yeah, unless you have very specific reads, I would check - fold here.
Ugliest board in the world.
In this hand we are pretty much drawing dead almost always. UTG+1 has also lower double suited hands in his range so its very hard to win this hand unless we hit runner runner something.
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