C/J Bluff on turn 3 way line check
Posted by Luke Boyadjian
Posted by
Luke Boyadjian
posted in
Mid Stakes
C/J Bluff on turn 3 way line check
Who hates this, Who loves this, who thinks it's meh.
Playing 1/2 and playing 4 handed
Hero 8s6s2d3d (UTG - $265) straddles for $4, button calls ($300ish), sb calls ($300ish) and bb call (160ish).
Pot = $16 Flop 2s5s10c sb checks, bb checks, hero checks, button bets $16, sb calls, bb folds, Hero calls.
(I call here thinking there is alot of good bluff cards on turn)
Pot = $58 Turn 6d sb checks, hero checks, button bets $45, sb calls, hero jams all in..
My reads is that i know that the button can be barrelling nut flush/sets/ 2 pairs/ wraps/ nuts. He is aggro and will double/triple barrel. BB is a reg also, i put him on spade draw thinking he would have c/r or lead with any thing better. Therefore i think i can fold out a massive range of hands and if called have good equity against sets or combos of 43. Worst situation is someone to call me with 43Axss.
button instant folds, SB tanks and calls. KsJsKc7c so basically on spade draw.
River As.
But thoughts on this play please? I really liked it and still do.
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As played and with your read of the BTN I think I like the turn play for the reasons stated. The SB flatting makes the play way more profitable I think as your range does great vs his.
Not sure about your logic of calling OTF because "there is a lot of good bluff cards OTT"....care to explain please?
Yeah, I didnt really make that clear.
OTF I call because i have gutter to the nuts - flush draw and pair so i think its a bit weak to fold. But if i miss there is plenty of cards i can bluff on
Do you mean donk bluffing str8 cards or c-ring or bluffing river when it goes ch-ch?
Yeah i had planned to bluff river, but i actually like donk betting on straight cards on turn
id fold the flop and lead the turn
I think it will rarely get checked ott unless flush hits...but you could donk i suppose...as played with a read as strong as yours i dont mind c-ring
I don't think you make money @ this game by making plays like this, just my 2c. If the two players are the ones I think they are. Depends who they are though
Hey Chris, haha uhm the button is Garth and the SB was David Thai
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