Calling 3bets with AAxx (instead of 4betting) when deep
Posted by Andreas Fröhli
Posted by Andreas Fröhli posted in Low Stakes
Calling 3bets with AAxx (instead of 4betting) when deep
After I have started playing Zoom, I had to play 150bb-300bb's deep more often. Therefore, I couldn't use my default play for AAxx anymore. Strong AAxx (Single suit +1 broadway+) I used to 4bet and otherwise I'd just call. I tried to pay close attention to the type of hands people were 3betting me with.
-If they 3bet Axxx and KKxx too often, I 4bet since they play me with 3 card hands after that.
-If they 3bet rundowns without danglers only, I can c/raise boards which aren't connected and 3tone (right?)
-If they 3bet wide, I can't figure out which boards to attack with AA as an overpair (except for the 227 flops)
-->What is your plan against a 3beting range of 12%, 150bb deep with AA27, no suits? Is it ever correct to
fold here? -obv. I never did that so far-
It's not that my 4betting range only consists of AAxx, but people are still putting me on that hand so it doesn't matter.
Also, against good players some people tend to flat AAxx and get it in on more than 50% of all flops because a good player might fold KKxx to a 4bet, but shove OTF with an overpair!
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