Butchered This Hand Badly??
Posted by BingBangBong
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Low Stakes
Butchered This Hand Badly??
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BB: $92.90 (Hero)
UTG: $30.90
MP: $30.70
CO: $150.25
BN: $189.15
SB: $31.55
UTG: $30.90
MP: $30.70
CO: $150.25
BN: $189.15
SB: $31.55
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
CO wins $110.80
Rake is $3.00
Rake is $3.00
Any comments appreciated
Is this a defend?
Flop Call?
Turn Lead?
River Lead?
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Very easy defend, especially since he made it only 2.5x.
I think calling is fine. It's kind of an interesting spot to check-raise since you block top set/top 2 and your hand doesn't play that great on later streets. Folding is also an option, seems somewhat close between all three to me.
Pretty reasonable spot to lead. I think this card should be better for your range than his and you have the nut blockers.
You basically have the perfect hand to follow through. However, especially at low stakes, it's important not to get carried away with a "good bluffing hand" and focus more on good bluffing spots. That is, focus less on what parts of your range you're "supposed" to bluff with and more on what situations you can actually get folds in. Will he fold this river > 1/2 the time after calling the turn bet?
Overall I don't hate how you played the hand. Evidently you ran into 76, which is unfortunate. You may have gone a bit overboard with your turn/river sizing. It's possible that once you bomb turn and he calls you've narrowed his range to the point where he's not folding much on river.
I'm up in the air about the turn lead tbh. Yes it is definitely a better card, but are you leading with nut straight there on a rainbow board? Not sure what it reps. Think you are x/c sets and other good made hands here. OOP with one street to follow, I think I prefer a x/r bluff or x/f.
I don't think the turn lead is mandatory or necessarily the best play, but it seems okay. Obviously if our opponent knows we don't play strong hands this way, or believes we don't, that's a problem. I don't see why we can't play the nuts this way as well. If I'm in villain's shoes with 94 I'm definitely not fist pumping here.
As an alternative line I'm also thinking this is a good hand to x/r bluff on the turn instead of leading to increase your fold equity. There should be a fair amount of weak and ok hands in his turn double barrell range after you just x/c flop that he would have to bet fold to a turn x/r, but can happily call your turn lead in pos with (less so in this case because you made the turn bet so large, but still more hands like 34xx, 39xx, 56xx etc. should bet fold to a x/r).
Even if he does call or pot over your turn x/r and you give up on river when called or fold on turn when reraised, it ends up costing you roughly the same since you will usually be leading river here after you lead turn and get called. At least this way you force a larger portion of his hands to fold with your bluff..
Agree with this.
I like the x/r on the turn as the better option then the x/r on the flop.
The x/r on the flop can only rep so much (sets, and a wrap, maybe 2 pairs as well, but think that's less common) and will still get called a lot of the time forcing you to have to barrel off on other streets. The x/r on the turn though, looks super strong and makes it difficult for a lot of hands to call. We also have a blocker of top set, and two blockers for nut straight on the turn.
pretty much agree w\ DirtyD, reasonable on each street. probably doens't have to ~PSB OTR. ~30$ should work the same
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