Burning money in SB

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Burning money in SB

Today I went through my db to look for some leaks and I found out that I lose the most money in SB. I think its a little worrying if I lose more money in SB than in BB. Correct me if I am wrong here? I am even more aggressive in SB. I checked my 3bet results and saw that these pots are not the problem. So I think I lose too much money in pots where I am raising limpers or calling raises. 

So I am looking for some advice what I maybe should check in my db or what I should be aware of/avoid when I am in SB. If somebody knows some common mistakes which occur in SB-situations I would really appreciate the help.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Tom Coldwell 11 years, 4 months ago

Depends what the number looks like as to whether this is something to be worried about. If you are losing like 28bb/100 in the SB and 20 in the BB, I would rejoice that you play the BB so well rather than be overly concerned re: SB play (especially given you could be playing passive games which give you tons of free looks from the BB).

p1ndakaas 11 years, 4 months ago

Or maybe you should even call more raises from the SB when there are 2 or more players in the pot. Like Axs hands and JJx+ hands. 

p1ndakaas 11 years, 4 months ago

What's a decent samplesize for winrates per position? I'm losing from the button (-3,56) but at my 41k samplesize it's only 3 buyins. Should I worry? 

arukidinme 11 years, 4 months ago

This would worry me a lot, button you should have the higest win rate by position (I am pretty sure).  PLO is all about position so I think that your win rates should look like :  BB<<<SB<<<EP<MP<<<<CO<<<<BU

The reason for the big gaps in BB to SB to EP is because before we even make an action we are -1bb/h>-.5b/h>0b/h.  We start to make a lot of money in CO and BUT by being last to act and being in a position to realize our equity.

p1ndakaas 11 years, 4 months ago

Well I can just 'run bad' on the BTN? Samplesize is 41k hands total so about 7k hands on BTN

Tom Coldwell 11 years, 4 months ago
41k hands isn't a massive sample, but it's not nothing either. I would certainly agree with arukidinme that BTN is where we make most of our money (heck, I make more there than I lose from both blinds combined) and we really shouldn't be losing from BTN over much of a sample. What does your EV line look like from there and how are you doing from other positions? It could be runbad, but this is certainly a number which would greatly concern me without mitigating factors.

midori 11 years, 4 months ago

This might not be the case for you, but one common scenario for this would be that they are calling 3bets too often on the button.  Have you checked on your "fold to 3b" stat when you're OTB?

Tom Coldwell 11 years, 4 months ago
Okay, so basically you should be winning about 1,750 bbs here as opposed to losing. Convert that to bbs/100 and you get nearly 25 given you've played around 7,500 hands. That is not a number which I would be overly concerned by. You could certainly be winning more, but this isn't the catastrophe we were initially led to believe.

p1ndakaas 11 years, 4 months ago

Yes I still have alot to improve. I only played 41k hands lifetime and still consider myself a bad player. So obv no crushing graphs yet 

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