BTN set facing XR without blockers
Posted by Thomca
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Mid Stakes
BTN set facing XR without blockers
Total number of players : 5
UTG ( $530.49 )
BTN Hero ( $525.92 ) 2h8c8d2s
UTG raise [$12] Reg 31/16 OR 17 TPassive
Hero call [$12]
SB call [$10] (435)
BB calls [$8] (508)
flop ** [ 4h, Kd, 2d ] P 48
SB-BB checks
UTG bets [$34]
Hero calls [$34]
SB-BB folds
turn ** [ 7c ] P 116
UTG bet [$78]
Hero calls [$78]
river ** [ 4d ] P 272
UTG checks
Hero bets [$204]
UTG raises [$406.49]
Do you play in other way?
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... Folds. Either jam turn or check back OTR. UTG bets into 3 players on a K24tt flop. Unless his EP range is 40 (which it obviously is not), his flop cbetting range is OP+NFD+GS~, KKxx, A53xdd, and that's almost it. Not even sure if he would bet K2 there, which he, mind you, does not have many.
That said jamming vs that range OTT w/ an SPR of ~4 gets us in trouble. Even if he checks SOME of his KKxx to x/r, and barrels mostly GS+FD types, we still have enough KKxx in our range to raise only that really. Mayybe K44x/22x. With all of that in mind, after we call two barrels on that board OTR we will almost always have at least a king, so we would not need to be bluffing much there, thus he should not intend to herocall. Nor to bluffraise, as his own 'good blockers' in AKxx can just x/call if needed. I say x-back OTR, or fold as played. Don't think I find a fold OTT readless.
I think its better to fold pre, honestly. vs Utg, how often will you have to give up against a cbet, how often the board wont bring a straight or flush and how often you will GII far ahead with btm/ middle set without redraws.
Never in my life am I folding this pre to a single bet.
Maybe i am just biased but i lost 4BI with bottom set today and never won big pots with it. And if you look at the tighter/ straght forward players, you wont get enoough off 2pair to compensate for the losses you made.
Yes, you are biased. Bottom set is not nuts, however.
8822r is in the 87th percentile in the PPT 6max ranking. So you are talking about not folding a hand in the bottom 13% of your range vs a tight UTG range.
Btw. 7755ss / TT77r are in the 25th / 33rd percentile.
+1 fold preflop
I am disturbed. How close is it do you think? Say it was 5577ss, TT77r?
5577ss and TT77r are much better hands than 8822r
TT77r I like this combo the most because if I remember right, if we flop a set Tens, they'll be topset about half of all times.
Any set below Tens is mid-bottom set more than half of all times. Not having them at least single suited can put you in situations where you are an underdog with middle set vs monsterdraws. Now think about situations where you want to GII...
When we hit top set <=88 on most flops we face low connected cards and might run into straights or big wraps.
If we flop bottom set and just decide to calldown, third set can easily become fifth set on the river.
If we calldown and the board pairs, even top2pairs beat us although a boat could be one of the best scenarios, despite quads, but we know hitting a gutshot is easier.
Because of that I believe the gap between 8822r < 5577ss < TT77r is pretty large.
Fold river, this is always a boat. Also fold pre, altho I really like double pairs and rarely fold them, but this is such a case. You might be more inclined to get involved with this if the blinds are tight and you often get it HU where you can exert your positional advantage much more.
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