Bluffcatching Spot on river with T2P SBvBB 25PL

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Bluffcatching Spot on river with T2P SBvBB 25PL

SB - Hero - $31 - AcQhTh2h
BB - $25 - Reg stats over small sample on Ignition

$0.10/$0.25 PLO
SB raises to $0.75, BB calls $0.50

Flop (~$1.50) Ad Jd 9h
Hero checks, BB bets $1.16, Hero calls $1.16

Turn (~$3.82) 7c
Villain bets $3.40, Hero calls $3.40

River ($10.63) Qs
Villain bets $10.63, Hero???

Alright, on the flop, I feel like its pretty close whether to c-bet or not. I could see cbetting because Hero is probably not going to be flop raised as much on the A high board, but Kxdd hands will def prob flop raise quite a bit. With a diamond, I would feel a lot more comfortable with cbetting. Its seems like my hand is crushing a lot of his folding range, and checking doesn't seem too bad to give him a chance to bluff. I'm also going to have to check frequently on diamond turns, or turns like Q, T, 7, J. What do you think about the flop?

On the turn with the OESD and T blocker to T8, and potential to improve to beat AJ with a Q, I would assume this hand is a good bluff catch candidate?

On the river, villain pots it again basically. It seems like any of his KK w/ dd that flatted preflop would all take this line. Also, hands like ATTx can triple barrel down. It would seem to me that maybe his T8xx combos are slightly discounted in that he might want to bet the river smaller, so it seems to me that villain is more weighted to KT or nothing. Also, Hero completely unblocks missed diamond draws as well. Should Hero bluff catch here?

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