Big wrap - are we happy getting it in
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Low Stakes
Big wrap - are we happy getting it in
UTG: $29.56
HJ: $32.10
CO: $10
BN: $6.75
SB: $8.33
BB: $12.73 (Hero)
HJ: $32.10
CO: $10
BN: $6.75
SB: $8.33
BB: $12.73 (Hero)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG calls $0.10, HJ raises to $0.45, CO calls $0.45, BN folds, SB raises to $1.45, Hero calls $1.40, UTG calls $1.40, HJ calls $1.05, CO calls $1.05
UTG calls $0.10, HJ raises to $0.45, CO calls $0.45, BN folds, SB raises to $1.45, Hero calls $1.40, UTG calls $1.40, HJ calls $1.05, CO calls $1.05
(5 Players)
What are your thoughts on this spot? I'm very happy getting this in regardless of the action in front or behind me, not sure/doubt it's a spew I was just wondering really if the players acting before/after me (in a multiway pot) ever effect your decision.
If SB jams the flop which I expect him to with all his over pairs do I call, or shove over? Should i be looking for more action?
If he checks to me, what should be my sizing given the two players behind and that I have more than a psb
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With nutty draws you don't mind multiway action, and sometimes you prefer it.
Let's say you have the naked nut flush draw (which isn't a favorite against anything HU) in a multiway pot where you have decided to stack off. And one player bets. You should just call and pull in more players, since they give you better odds. Raising and isolating yourself HU vs a better range might be +EV (as in, better than folding) in a vacuum if the pot is big enough, but you don't maximize EV by forcing out hands that you always beat when you improve to your nut flush. Maximizing EV is the key concept here.
That said, the draw you have here is much stronger than a naked flush draw. You are flipping (51.6%) vs AA$nt (which SB presumably has a lot). So if SB bets, shoving is definitely a good option. Because there's so little money left, and I doubt calling or shoving makes much difference. Everybody realizes that you are committed anyway, and you're not folding on any turn card.
If SB checks, you can shove yourself and create some fold equity. It's worth doing, because the pot is so big relative to your stack, and you are a favorite vs some hands that can call you anyway. And you're never in bad shape, even vs two pair or a set, because you have ~40% vs those hands. With the money already in the pot you only need ~38% to stack off with +EV HU. But it's not certain that you maximize EV that way, obviously. But OOP you can't always get what you want.
Of course, if you get multiple callers, you are ecstatic. For example, you're 39% 3-way vs AA and top set, so you're getting it in as a favorite (because AA is getting crushed), in addition to the overlay from the money already in the pot.
A note about limped and single-raised pots
Let's say you're in the same 5-way pot, but now it's only limped or single-raised. SB checks. Should you bet?
You could bet and create some fold equity because your draw is so strong that you don't mind getting raised (and you gain when dominated hands call as well). But you definitely don't want to ram and jam HU if you get raised and isolated. Because the overlay from the pot is small. Getting it in HU with 40% equity hurts now, as opposed to the previous scenario.
And if there are some aggressive players to your left, you are happy to check to them and hope they help you build a family pot where you have the dominating draw. When you play a nutty draw strictly for implied odds, you want as many callers as possible, so let other players start the betting (and then you call or c/r jam as you see fit when the action gets back to you).
Of course, in pots that start HU, you will generally be much more aggressive, because now betting always comes with decent fold equity. But 5-way, you'll rarely succeed in picking up the pot, and isolating your draw against the best hand out there is rarely the most profitable outcome, when stacks are deep.
Thanks ZenFish! Oh wise one! You're ability to articulate your responses is nothing short of brilliant. You're really helping my game and the understanding of situations, I really can't thank you enough. Hopefully I'll be able to show you your advise put into action soon.
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