Best strategy for microstakes PLO?

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Best strategy for microstakes PLO?

The microstakes seem to be very fishy and lots of high vpip players with stationy went to showdown stats (> 32%)
There is also many multiway pots and it feels as if balance doesn't matter at all as no one ever folds to 3bets and such.

Is my best strategy going to be only playing near premium type hands?
AAxx suited, Broadway wraps, high pocket pairs with suits/connecters and double suited wraps with 1 gap max?

Is there even any reason to play hands like A456, 6644, 7643, AKQ7 all singled suited atleast and so on (apart from the button). I find I am playing a lot of 3 broadway type hands with a dangler and 3 suits which is probably terrible? ie. KJT3sss

I just realized I am breakeven after my last 15k hands (many buyins below ev) and maybe I am playing too wide a range when most of the pool are fishy players and poor regs.

My stats range from 27/20 to 24/20.
Is there any material out there that targets how to play the microstakes vs a lot of fish for PLO?
The hand ranges still confuse me.

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