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Posted by posted in Low Stakes


I am faced with a decision and I don't know what to do so some opinions would be very welcomed.

Basically got 2k to play poker.. probably won't get any more, lost 1.2k at 10/20c 1st but most of it at 25 50 and even ran good. Took me awhile to get used to playing again but then made some adjustments and started winning constantly made like 900 at 10 20c got back to 1.7k and then I made the mistake of playing 25 50 again. Some... let's say ambitious plays, some self leveling and then this made me realize this game is quite swingy. Now I don't have the other graph when I grinded the 45 buyins because I reinstalled my windows and lost the data but the orange line continued in the same fashion so i'm pretty confident I beat the games easy. So now, given that I have 600E left and 150 in a couple of days from rake race, what should I do? Hope for downswing to end, I am like 8 bins<ev on the other graph as well, or drop to 05c/10c *puke* ? Also I am like 50% into a 1k bonus and will receive 0E if I don't complete it by the 4th of Jan cause the site sucks like that and I don't think I will be able to make it at 05c 10c. Sorry for wall of text :)

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