Bad 4bet pot spots, need advice!
Posted by Imfish4u
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Low Stakes
Bad 4bet pot spots, need advice!
BN: $95.92
SB: $23.25
BB: $67.97
UTG: $50
HJ: $50
CO: $154.21 (Hero)
SB: $23.25
BB: $67.97
UTG: $50
HJ: $50
CO: $154.21 (Hero)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ raises to $1.75, Hero raises to $5, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds, HJ raises to $15.75, Hero folds
UTG folds, HJ raises to $1.75, Hero raises to $5, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds, HJ raises to $15.75, Hero folds
This is obviously a very nice hand but it just sucks to get 4bet, so what should be the best plan in spots like this.
Would be a call best since we are doing very well in MW pots?
Against a loose aggro player i think we should 3 bet this hand and if we are deeper than 120bb we should 3bet as well because against random AA we have 34%.
What about the most common spot which is playing against 100bb stacks and ppl that have a PFR between 10 and 15...
Regarding this specific spot i think my hand is still strong enough to call the 4bet so i think i made a mistake by folding! what do you think...
Thanks for any advice!
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In this spot I would just flat his open, can consider 3betting it vs loose CO from the button, but I do not see much point to 3bet when you have alot of nut potential and getting 4bet here really sucks.
By 3betting you only chase out other people from the hand and with this kind of hand multiway action is what you are looking for to overset/overflush them.
A while ago I made a sim hero 3betting to 9BB getting 4bet by AA to 28.5BB (100BB eff) and hero calls. EV=0.4BB rakeless. EV=-0.8BB rake PLO50. You face a larger 4bet here, so it would be even less profitable to call.
I think 3bet/fold is still profitable. My assuptions were: we face an approx. 14% opening range and our winrate would be 3BB/hand if just getting called. The actual winrate might be higher because villain will fold some portion of his range to the 3bet pre. That does not mean 3betting is more profitable than flatting.
If there is a loose player behind me that will pay off with weak holdings I skip 3betting to induce multiway action.
A 3bet is allway profitable. We are a huge Equityfavorite even against tight ranges. Against a 15% Range we still have 60%.
In ~20% of the case somebody has AA or AKK give the openraiser open 15%, if he opens 20% only ~15% of the time somebody has AKK or AA
If he openraises 15% and we 3bet, we create a pot of 10,75$ with 64% Equity (since he don't have AA or AKK) in 80% of the cases. Lets simplify and say we are all in, so we have a ev of ~2$ in 80% of the cases versus a EV of -5$ if he 4bets and we fold in 20% of the cases. In this simplyfied scenario we made a positive EV even against a tight range.
Against a looser range, the numbers change a lot and our EV of 3betting gets really big, but against a tight openraiser I would prefer coldcalling, since I think this has a higher EV.
I think it's ok to fold to a 4bet as played, if you are certain, that you are up against a Range of AA and AKK. You can stack off on around 40% of the flops withs around 60% average Equity which has a EV of 15$ and have to fold 60% of the time which has an EV of -10,75$. This makes a EV of calling the 4bet of -4,5$.
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