Awkward Small Blind Spot?

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Awkward Small Blind Spot?

Hey guys,

So Im playing 1/2 short-stacked on Full Tilt ($80 max buy in). Im in small blind with K10Q6 ds and a stack of about 400. UTG is short-stacked with about 80 in front and he raises to $7. Didnt get the feeling that he was a reg- he was flatting a lot pre flop, playing pretty loose and I watched him make a few awkward decisions in the 40 mins of play leading up to that point. Also worth pointing out that he didn't have auto refill on which may be stupid to use as an indicator but it just added to my feelings that he probably was playing a very wide range pre-flop and was looking to gamble it up.

The button flats and at this point I am stuck between folding and raising pot. I can almost never find a compelling reason to flat in the SB. Because the play is loose and I feel like I deserve some respect for my 3 bet SB I decide to pot it in hopes that I can iso UTG and get rid of the guy who limped the button.

So I kind of get what I want and the UTG shoves and at this point i feel committed to making the call. He shows up with a decently strong hand.

Was this a bad play? I am only going to get shoved on by hands that beat me most of the time. Trying to figure out if the fold is the profitable move in the long run when most players are short-stacked.

Any advice appreciated.

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UserX 9 years, 8 months ago

I would fold preflop. Your starting hand isn't really that strong (basically flipping against top 30% of hands and a 32/58 dog to a random AA hand). Also, if UTG didn't shove, I'm pretty sure the button would come along ( know...pot odds). There is no shame in just waiting for a better spot.

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