AsAcJdKh on QsTs6s in a 4bet pot [ZOOM10]
Posted by HollywoodHaxton
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Low Stakes
AsAcJdKh on QsTs6s in a 4bet pot [ZOOM10]
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $14.70
SB: $13.77 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $18.25
MP: $31.12
CO: $98.08
SB: $13.77 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $18.25
MP: $31.12
CO: $98.08
Hero is SB with
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Villain 38/29/25 in 34 hands
I lost a ton of EV because I was up against KsQJsT
Could have I played this hand differently or is that just a standard GII flop?
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Firstly I really wouldn't worry about the HUD stats with a sample of 34 hands. I like 3 bet pre think this is pretty standard.
With the A spade blocker I would defo be betting the flop but I'm not to sure about sizing maybe 40% would be better as you maybe able to get away from the hand when he sets you in as this flop hits his range pretty hard. I think best we can ask for is a chop of we are going to go with it. Think it's a gross spot and I would struggle to not get all the money in the middle here. Hopefully you will get more thoughts on the hand.
If you absolutely want to c-bet on that flop, maybe bet less like a little less than $4.00... In most cases if villain didn't flop a flush he can snap fold plenty of hands, however here I'd expect Villain's range to connect with that board more often given his 3bet preflop (Unless Villain's stats on the button say otherwise, I expect Villain's range to contain lots and lots of high rundowns, hand with a high pair double suited or single) I don't like the almost-pot-size-bet here because of that awkward $3.28 remaining that will not mean much on a turn in the scenario where Villain flats your c-bet. With a bet of $3.70 ish you leave yourself enough room to fold when villain jams or slow the action if he flats.
Check fold? I don't think you should c-bet that board texture all-the-time with a hand like yours (it's not like you flopped top set on a single suited flop) because of that close-to-no equity your hand has against a flopped flush. Even when Villain has no flush here he can flat call or GII with his two pairs (If it's not a set) hands that play kind of great against our ace pair + wrap to nut straight.
Thank you guys. In retrospect I think smaller size cbet might have been way better. It's very static board so between 30-40 % pot seems better to maybe get called with worse str8 draws and 2 pairs or combinations of the two and see how it turns out. But even then if he raises me allin I don't think I can fold with his stats that indicate he is aggro.
Just a word of advice I wouldnt rely on HUD stats when you only have 34 hands on the opponent as these can be seriously out. I would wait a long time until you have built up a serious database of hands before you start using HUD stats for players.
Keep posting hands though it's good to discuss.
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