AQ99ds call 4bet pre 500NL
Posted by Luke Boyadjian
Posted by Luke Boyadjian posted in High Stakes
AQ99ds call 4bet pre 500NL
Playing 5/5 at a local live game.
UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, LAG reg pots to $30 (playing $90 behind), fold fold, Hero (button) AQ99ds calls $30 (covers everyone), fold, BB pots $145 (playing $210 behind), LAG reg goes all in, hero??
This is a pretty easy call right? Just wanted a line check.
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Why does it say 500NL?
I think it's a call but if OR folded it's closer to a fold. Maybe I'm wrong though. Single suited would be an easy muck this short with shallow stacks.
Not an easy call. The 4-bettors range should have you killed ie. higher broadway AK, or AA, KK; the LAG I would imagine still has a playable hand raising two UTG limpers. I would think you can find a better spot in this type of game then just getting in $145 preflop w/ this hand multi-way
I'm letting it go. Even if nobody has AA, an AKBB hand has us in bad shape, alongside any KK. Even JJTT seems bad for us. I probably let it go, but if you think you have an edge if you win the hand and you're deep, it's always good for a chance to get deep.
Why is the reg only playing 120, if he is really that short you have to fold to his first raise cause you have no Eq advantage and stacks are very shallow and you get in bad spots postflop beeing first to act after the preflop agressor.
After thats its still a fold, just create some range look ar your equity...
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