Another C-bet or check spot(s)
Posted by TJ Serdar
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TJ Serdar
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Low Stakes
Another C-bet or check spot(s)
100 BB stacks. Villain is a very aggro tough reg. 6 handed.
2 folds Villain opens CO to 3x(RFI 40%, 4bet 7%, F3b 15%), Hero 3bets Jc8cAh5h from BTN to 10.5x , SB folds, BB folds, CO calls
Flop KdJs8s(22.5) Eff Stacks 89.5bb
CO checks, Hero?
3 folds, Villain opens btn(RFI 90%, 4bet 7%, F3b 7%) to 2.5x, Hero 3bets Jc8cAh5h SB 8.5bb, BB folds, Villain calls.
Flop KdJs8s(18bb) Eff stacks 91.5bb
What is the best way to be thinking about these two spots, aside from the
fact that in the CO v BTN hand we're facing a narrower of a range than
in BTN v SB? Do you think they're both bets or both checks or is one
different than the other? If so, why?
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I think it is a check here, not sure what different SPR does for this though. if we bet we have to fold to a C/R but will be folding away quite some equity sometimes, and it is good to have some 2 pair hands in our check back range here.
Not sure if this is the best hand to 3bet though?
Also, I'm wondering whether position makes us more apt to bet or check w/ this hand class and how SPR comes into play here. Position wise, I'm not too sure. I'm tempted to check both but haven't flushed out the reasoning yet. I think the SPR answer is fairly obvious: the smaller the SPR the more likely we should be to bet/call for protection and value. We need less equity to get stacks in and the immediate folds we generate are worth more. It becomes a tougher decision when the SPR gets too big to bet/call as to whether betting to protect and folding to a raise or checking back and showing down/bluff catching becomes better.
yeah obviously agree with your SPR argumentation, but not sure if the SPR 4 or 5 here is in the range where it will make a difference. That's what I ment
I think ultimately checking is good on both. Our hand doesn't have enough equity to get it in on the flop vs reasonable get it in ranges. Villain's bet folding range likely doesn't have much equity against our hand, so protection becomes less important. Position also doesn't seem too valuable on this texture since we can develop pretty protected checking ranges OOP and have good board coverage when we x/ca. Additionally, we can gain a bet on turns from parts of his range that would be bet/folding, and can value bet brick rivers vs a check.
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