An open post to micro limit PLO grinders.

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An open post to micro limit PLO grinders.

Hi everyone,

I think its fair to say that everybody in this forum is here to get better at the game.
I have watched a significant amount of PLO content, and read some literature on the subject,
but I feel like I often either misapply some of the concepts, or fail to see the situation at the tables for what they are sometimes, therefore I fail to apply said concepts correctly.

Pro Videos are definitely a great way to see solid players playing well, and highlighting important concepts (and reviewing play of others), but I feel that there may be a lot of value in getting members (and pros of course!) to review each others' play, as I feel there will frequently be leaks that you yourself would be blind to, that others will notice with ease.

Even if this is not the case, any excuse to generate some conversation about each other's experiences at the micros will surely help everyone involved.

I recorded a session this morning of my play at PLO10SH on stars. I plan on getting coaching at some stage in the near future, however if at all possible I would much prefer to self improve at least to the point where I could be beating PLO25 and using said income to fund my coaching sessions.

What do you guys think of perhaps recording 30-60 minute sessions, submitting them to each other for review/comments/debate so we can potentially squash some of each other's leaks. Would anybody be interested in doing this?

Ive uploaded my footage to my youtube account:

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