AKJ6ds - SRP 4way -
Posted by Muehlenzwick
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Mid Stakes
AKJ6ds - SRP 4way -
Please notice the stacksizes in play. The dynamic on this site is very loose with lots of shorties sitting at the table like you see. They are probably limp/calling 40%+ of hands. No reads on BU, except that hes very likely a recreational. SPR is about 5 with button.
Question revolves around flop decision.
cbetting seems reasonable, because i push equity versus the shortstacks and i dont have playabillity issues wit SPR beeing so low with them. But like here I have a problem if BU jams on me, because i leave so much equity on the table. From a meta perspective people but me on AAxx or KKxx in this spot a lot, which i actually wouldnt bet. I dont like my betsizing here. 50% sized would be enough i think IF i decide to cbet. I guess its a cbet/fold right? Seems too loose to stackoff with TopPair + 2 Overcards + BDFD if button jams in a 4way pot.
Check/calling is certainly fine, although i dont like that the shortstacks see a freecard vs my TopPair if BU checks back. But I think its better than bet/folding, because i dont get pushed off my equity.
Is check/raising ever an option vs BU with SPR5? Im kind of lost in this hand.
Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.
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Think this is a pretty clear x/fold honestly. Your hand has very poor play ability and blocker effects to start leading here and you more want to x/raise nutted blockers/draws and nutted hands (top set, middle set +bdfd etc). If called by btn you're also going to have to do a lot of x/folding given dynamic of flop. There's more bad turns than good for your hand.
Regarding opponents I've found players w/ high vpips who limp call a lot aren't thinking in ranges and are only playing their hands. For this reason (also fact you're multiway) I'd focus more on your hand than perceived range.
Even if, best case scenario, only sb gets it in and btn folds you're still not doing amazing vs hands they'd chose to get it in w/.
SB Spr is 1.3 which only needs about 35% equity I believe.
You have about 40% equity vs bare wrap (best case scenario).
8% vs bare sets
and 27% vs QQ/KK +FD which is very likely in sb range.
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