AK92ds vs steal
Posted by Janukowitsch
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Mid Stakes
AK92ds vs steal
Poker Stars $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 6 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/2446775
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
BTN: $291.65
Hero (SB): $173.65
BB: $200.00
UTG: $86.73
MP: $805.54
CO: $93.75
Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is SB with Ad Kc 9c 2d
3 folds, BTN raises to $7, Hero raises to $23, 1 fold, BTN calls $16
Flop: ($48.00) Jc 9d Qs (2 players)
Hero bets $30, BTN raises to $60, Hero folds
Villian is a regular which open around 40% in the spot. Against that range I have only a flip with my hand. I would 3bet this often versus Regulars, since I block AA/KK have some equity and fold equity pre and postflop. But against this specific opponent I am not sure what to do. He rarely fold preflop, and folds only 36% on the flop (raising 30%). I am not sure if this hand is still strong enough to 3bet. Also not sure if which of my other option I could choose. Folding feels weak and I doubt I will make a profit if I call (BB is a ABC Tag), I think this is a spot where I will have a lot of non-SD loses if I opt for a call, since I have not a really good plan how too outplay him postflop, besides playing solid.
I know this isn't propably a very interesting and maybe just close preflop spot, but I am a bit lost.
Postflop I decided that two backdoors and a gutshot is enough reason to try a cbet even against a opponent with his tendicies. I quickly folded to his raise and made a note to be aware of similar spots in the future.
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I think you can fold it pre given that you only flip against his range and that he seems to play back a lot postflop. If he´d be opening a little loser/ fold more vs cbets I´d lean more towards a 3bet.
On the flop against this particular opponent I´d rather just c/f.
Phil new vid shows how concept of calling is profitable at alike spots instead 3 betting, can check it out, this week one
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